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Raith Against The Machine

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Everything posted by Raith Against The Machine

  1. I'm beginning to think, and am hoping, that this isn't as bad as it might've been. No deaths, anyway. There doesn't seem to be anything on the News sites about it, which you would expect. Maybe tomorrow's papers will have something about it.
  2. It's fucking shite when stuff like that happens. You see it every now and again, some angry fucker being propped up by an apologetic looking lad, and you think "Feck that for a game of soldiers, I'd just leave him" but then when it happens, you can't leave a mate. One of my best pals turns into a complete arsehole, every now and again, when he's had a drink. We were out last night, and he had a big shouting match with his girlfriend in the middle of the road. I ended up walking her home (as I drunkenly posted about last night), christ knows what happened to him. I'll probably find out in a few days that he went off looking for a fight and got battered. If you know you're prone to acting like that, why drink?
  3. I find doctors hard to trust. That shoulder injury was the first, and so far, only time in my life I've needed treatment from a doctor (minus birth, etc). I was told that I had to wear a sling for weeks, but 3 days after the accident the arm was holding it's own weight, so I just stopped wearing it altogether.
  4. I can't fault the foreign doctors, personally. When I dislocated my shoulder after diving out of the way of a mid-crashing drunk driver, it was all foreign staff at the hospital, and they were brilliant. I have to say though, when it came to the out-patient treatment, there was a wee Indian manny who was very much into telling me all these horror stories about "You'll need to go to radiology in 3 weeks and get it scanned again, and you might need surgery." Went back 3 weeks later and it was a baldy, fat, Scottish bloke, who took one look at me and asked "Does that arm hurt?" "Nope." "Okay, take this to the nurse at the desk, and you won't have to come back again."
  5. Not petty in any way, I really wish the name of this thread would change, but... There's been a massive accident on the Forth Road Bridge, at least 2 ambulances and fire engines, with countless police vehicles. It's closed southbound. Looks a real bad one - the only damaged car I saw was clearly the "back" of the collision - the front end of the car was absolutely wrecked, looking at an impact at speed, not just a nudge in a queue. Couldn't see the car it had ran into though - I've got a very bad feeling that it might be off the road, and into the metalwork to the left. Really brings it home on Christmas Day.
  6. I think you should build a gigantic machine to kill the cricket. Call it the Massive Insect Destroyer, and turn it on in the middle of the living room to tear the floorboards apart until the pesky pest is dead. Although, that plan is a bit ridiculous, I suppose you could just leave the silly MID off.
  7. Why not just tell a really shite joke, then the cricket will have to come out and make that "chirping in a silent room" noise?
  8. Probably about time you untied them though, eh?
  9. Winnar I can barely remember making that post. Notice the perfect spelling and punctuation though, Matt
  10. I'm truly pished but can confidently predict that I won't be hungover tomorrow. ...this post has taken a long time to type out.
  11. Its been a fairly long time to sort out and my sense of humour is waning... It was partially rejuvenated by the letter they sent me this morning, though. "Hurry! You need a licence! Your test pass certificate expires soon!" September 12th, 2010.
  12. The DVLA are arsing me about I passed my test in September, and my examiner took my provisional licence from me, saying she'd fill out the application for the full licence and send it away, and I'd get my licence in, at most, 6 weeks. Didn't hear anything back for 2 months, so I phoned the DVLA and was told that yes, they were told I'd passed my test, but hadn't received an application for a full licence. So I went down to the Post Office and filled out an application form, and sent it off. Now they've written back and told me that I need to return my provisional before I can get a full licence. I don't have it! My driving examiner took it! Fecking bitch
  13. I think I might be dyslexic. In absolute honesty, I read and re-read that as "I have had a fire engine in my car." I was pondering whether or not that was possible when Long John Silver's reply made it clear
  14. Went into the William Wallace at Causewayhead earlier, hoping for a repeat of the Old Man's Pub atmosphere of Tuesday night. Sadly, X Factor was on, and I managed to escape shortly before the karaoke started! Pint was crap too I just want a shite, empty pub to go to
  15. I had to leave the pub, and subsequently run for the bus, when Joleon Lescott equalised for Everton. It's not bloody fair that Villa scored a winner
  16. It's already been stolen by my girlfriend, for sleeping in. Well, I'll have my £3 back then, you cheeky bitch Oh, and before anyone tries to be clever, it's far far too big on her too!
  17. Going out tonight and it's "School Disco" themed. I had to buy a shirt yesterday in Tesco, and I just picked the first one I saw, didn't have time to stand about wondering about collar sizes. I didn't realise Tesco made Pavarotti's shirts. S'fucking huge!
  18. It was more my toes I was worried about. I've never driven without being able to feel my feet before - a bizarre sensation.
  19. Clyde Til We Die, parrot-keeper. A man barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first bionic man. Clyde Til We Die will be that man. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster. Costs a bomb, though.
  20. Ooh ooh, I'm in that Management class too! I've had 3 2Bs and a 3B for the tutorial answers, but no word on the Assignment yet. Have to say, I preferred the Marketing fella's lectures to Ol' Mr Butts'.
  21. I don't think Methil's that bad, I've seen places a lot worse. I was quite amused when I spotted Wall Street, though. Financial district, it ain't.
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