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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. Paul Watson and Callum Booth in your back 4. Two boys from my town. Interesting
  2. Asking price £200k. Accepted offer £130k. Can everyone see the flaw in the tear stained logic?
  3. My favourite quote 'why would be turn down £100k to then accept £130k a week later'. Erm because its £30k more?
  4. Why are East Fife fans deluded idiots? My favourite bit is someone claiming East Fife have underachieved for too long. Does this nutter think you should be challenging for Europe or something.
  5. Sadly I think he's finished due to injuries as well. Saw him play for Stenny and had I not known him And his troubles I'd have thought he looked poor. I hope he, personally, does okay for East Fife but part of an utterly appalling team. Much like East Fife are used to.
  6. Sons bringing their pitch in to stop teams that play proper football, like Cowdenbeath FC. Will suit Murray and his long ball game I guess.
  7. There's a shit load of tinkers/travellers/gypo's kicking about Aberdeen parks and general grassy areas.
  8. I'd say Imrie is a lot more direct than Cardle. Cardle has tricks and shuffles but Imrie will make things happen more often in this division despite not being brilliant. Would be a good signing. You lot just need a centre half who isn't 35+ and isn't a borderline psychopath.
  9. Queens fans saying he should stay as it was in his best interests are deluded. Look at Colin Cameron (great example). Won the 2nd with us and his stock was extremely high. He was touted for a lot of jobs. An almost disastrous second season saved on the last day has meant that his stock is non existent. He isn't mentioned for any jobs that come up anymore. AJ might never get offered another SPL deal again, he just had to take it such is the cut neck world of football.
  10. Was speaking to him at the races the other week. Seems a nice guy.
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