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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. This is a fucking depressing read. Go and go back to being utter shite. Thanks.
  2. I tweeted that after the Arsenal game!!! What a c**t.
  3. He was fantastic entertainment but then he seemed to become a parody of himself. I remember Peach asking him to settle it in the car park, he said it quietly but you could read his lips.
  4. I just want a decent boozer that will show the football that's not far from Grahamston and easy to get a taxi to the ground from. Bosh.
  5. I'm not fucking walking. How much is 'not cheap'? Circa £3 a pint is what I look to pay.
  6. Game on Saturday. Chances? If its on recommend me with pubs in the centre and best way to getting the ground (taxi I assume).
  7. Take a: 1. Run and jump or 2. Running jump Thanks.
  8. The state of the art 3G pitch in my local town cost about £650k excluding the fencing ect. I wasn't really sure 4G had even been fully developed yet. What stand will we be in on the 15th?
  9. I don't mind the Pars, always have, and I would contribute if it meant saving them from the NewCo route however I would never donate a penny if I knew it was going to the current regime. All the best. f**k the pars inbred c***s.
  10. £10 for a run of the mill league win? £5 and folk may have parted but £10 is utterly ridiculous.
  11. I think I saw this! Actually. Ah I changed my name and didn't update it on here.
  12. What did it say? Follow me through link in my signature, if you can be arsed. If not then we can still be friends.
  13. 247 away Cowdenbeath fans. Hell that's more than our home support. What an absurd set of comments to make.
  14. I don't see the problem tbh. I see Cowden players tweeting about Hearts, Hibs, Celtic and Rangers. Think you need to realise you're a wee diddy team like us now. You won't be playing in the SPL anytime soon so deal with it.
  15. *Sitting in car steaming away to drive home. See the police in your wing mirror so whip your keys out and helicopter them around your finger out the window to show they aren't in the ignition. Police drive past wishing you a a safe journey home* Aye ok babes.
  16. Don't think this is true. If you approach your vehicle bevied and the police witness you opening it I'm sure you can be done.
  17. Donald Findlay has worked wonders for our club and for that I'll be forever grateful. He's kept the club alive and we wouldn't be where we are without him. However, I don't go to speakers events outwith the club that he's speaking at as I am not interested in many of his tales. I've heard he's fantastic though but I just worry he goes into that kind of things.
  18. Sometimes do that if I feel the situation has merited it. Awkward if someone walks in mind you.
  19. If you wipe your arse under your balls you are not a human being.
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