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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. Is there a single thread that VikingTon has posted on that has stayed 'on topic'?
  2. All i could find; •You can travel anytime at the weekend and Monday to Friday on trains departing after 9.15am
  3. The black/coloured/African American* birds outside out hotel were offering this for a bite of my Big Man and 4 chips. Still wasnt worth it, i was fucking starving! *Delete which ever is deemed non-PC.
  4. Im circa 5 foot 11 and 12 stone but i wouldnt class myself as well built however im not bulky either. Mediums fit absolutely perfectly although a couple of my fcuk t-shirts are smalls.
  5. Surely depends where you are buying it. I buy medium and it fits perfectly. Small would never fit and it it did it would look daft.
  6. I had first year exams in December, depends on the Uni. Anyway, anyone ordered off Escapade.co.uk?
  7. Was thinking about that also. Ive done it before but the cheese never melts to the correct consistency. May follow VTs advice.
  8. i was waiting on that reply but mainly because of the Cowdenbeath connection to hunnery.
  9. Im a bigger fan of Scottish football than most but id rather be watching my local junior team than this abortion of a game. I just cant understand what people find interesting about it? Its not hard to avoid? Nonsense. The amount of people ive already heard are going to get smashed on Sunday and how amazing a day its going to be and there is always some sort of trouble in my town when this game is on. I go out every Sunday and this Sunday is going to be torture as the pubs will be filled with morons who know nothing about football yet shout and scream at the tv, much like Scotland games. I cant stand seeing people go absolutely mental and acting like they are die hard fans and how they have always followed their team while wearing their tops in the pub. They somehow seem to think they are better fans than you because they shout loud, wear their strip and 'support' a winning team. Its the 'who were Cowdenbeath playing in Europe brigade'. Id rather watch a St Mirren v Hamilton game every day of the week.
  10. To be fair if someone asks me what i think the score will be my response will be 'i dont care'. Im not going to take time to actually consider the result. For instance i dont even know where the game is taking place.
  11. Its definitely a plus point but there will still be some drunken idiots about. Drunken idiot 'so who do you support, Rangers or Celtic?' Piss off.
  12. Do non-Old Firm fans actually care about said match? I honestly couldnt get a f**k who wins and wont watch a single minute of the game or any highlights. I genuinely have no interest in this game at all. All it does is bring the idiots out in the boozer who will look to cause trouble. Old Firm weekends top up my hate for the 2 of them.
  13. Not just Dundee mate. Walking around Edinburgh is exactly the same. Tends to be females and ignorant students! Completely oblivious to anyone around and only interested in whats going on in there tiny lives. The more annoying for me is when people, females, stop in the middle of a flight of stairs to have a converstion. Ive seen this happen countless times and often its people that are going in the same direction but stop for a chat. f**k off. Also leaving Edinburgh Uni in the motor is a nightmare. Give way to the cars you absolute morons!!
  14. Richard Keys is part of the problem. I cant stand him.
  15. The call operates for Three. Aside from tthe fact they cant speak particularly great English, the fact they leave you shitty voicemails when its clear that its them calling about an upgrade and that they dont call back even close to the time they say they will, they all offer you different upgrade deals. Surely somewhere they must have a script to stick to. They seem to be getting worse as well. Going instore to try and get a better deal with someone who can actually say my name, not holding my breathe though.
  16. Anyway. Someone shot in a gym at Newcraighall, a body found outside The Dolphin in Whitecraig, car crash outside Dunbar and a women run over in Port Seton. Exciting day for East Lothian! Also a namesake of mine was involved in a large spread in the local papers court page. No doubt some muppets will think its me and ask me this weekend.
  17. I agree with Fudge. Theres so many different positions on a pitch theres a place for everyone. Im a commanding centre half much like Cannavaro. Not the tallest but reads the game superbly and gets booked for moaning. I play at a modest standard although the top scorer in our league last season now plays for Cowdenbeath and we were the only team to beat them. Playing football is fantastic as im back in my 2nd year after a 2 year break. Missing the Cowdenbeath games is tough mind.
  18. In 6th year i could do presenations no bother as i knew the whole class as well as the teacher and could be completely comfortable around then and be myself. Doing presentations in 3rd year of Uni was different. We had one onfront of 'professionals' and a couple onfront of a class of circa 40 4th years. I hated the one onfront of the class even though most folk werent paying attention. The one ofront of the pro's went fine with no problems. Cant really give you advicer except dont talk too fast and dont ramble on. Nothing is worse than a presentation that goes on and on. I dont know exactly what you are doing but try something interactive or light hearted early on to settle the mood in the room. This obviously wouldnt be appropriate in a lot of circumstances.
  19. Johan Cruyff looks like a slightly older not so well groomed David Ginola.
  20. Who really cares. Are you even old enough to drink? 2 WKD's and the room will be spinning.
  21. A spew in the shower and straight to the pub. Job done.
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