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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. Posted on the E-Chat thread too. Ok so; Blackberry Torch - £25 a month for 200 minutes, 3000 txts, 2GB of internet usage and 3000 minutes of 3-3 calls. iPhone 3G - £30 For 500 minutes, 3000 txts, 2GB of internet usage and 3000 minutes of 3-3 calls. iPhone 4 - £35 but same as above. Which one?
  2. Anyone sold a phone online? Whats the best site to use?
  3. I disagree to an extent. There are girls who like to be treated well ect but in this two bit town i live in the amount of deadbeats you see knocking about with some of the better looking girls is unreal. Im talking people in their late 20s so its not daft wee lassies. I was snaking a bird and instead of dates or anything she wanted to go to the pub... Was ideal. It was a much better use of money than going to the cinema or out for meals. I like the pub.
  4. Im not really sure what you mean? Normal size
  5. I browse using a Nokia E71 without any problems. I downloaded Opera Mini and use any skin and it works fine.
  6. Without a doubt. I assume it has been stated that he had 'numerous conversations' i havent read this so i will take your word. He would have known they were young but 15/16/17 is very difficult to differentiate so i guess he was hoping she was at least 16. He deserves all he gets.
  7. I disagree. Not many people are stupid enough to knowingly send pictures to 15 year olds, let alone a 'famous' footballer in Scotland. He should have been suspicious though and of course he shouldnt have done it. Thats why i called him a moron.
  8. Indeed i am, pm me if you want some tips. He claims he didnt know they were underage and i believe that but even still you dont send pictures of your cock over the internet.
  9. Clicky Like this? Quite easy really. Just go to 'insert link' when making a post and enter the URL and what you want the link so say, eg 'clicky'. Edit: It will still show up along the bottom of your screen if you roll the curser over it. Not sure that can be stopped.
  10. Why oh why are footballers such morons. Heart of Midlothian right back Craig Thomson gets caught sending pictures of his john thomas to 15 year old girls as well as giving them dirty chat. You would think he would do this using his mobile but no he did it over MSN. I didnt even realise people still used MSN. The girls parents find said pictures and the police go round and pick him and his laptop up. Not so smart for a 19 year old Criag. Moron.
  11. This brings back memories. I would have been able to do this in my sleep in 5th year, now i had a slight inclination but wasnt really sure. How time flies.
  12. The bird out of Him & Her has something about her that i find very attractive. She aint the most stunning in the world but she has 'something'.
  13. Still not got Saas through and i received and email from Edinburgh Uni saying i should pay 1/3 of my tuition fees and they will refund me once the application come through. No way am i paying them circa £600. Is the best thing to do phone up Saas?
  14. I think its basically MSN for your phone. Works on iPhones and Blackberries i think. Seems like a load of pish as you can just send a text using your phone
  15. I can confirm they were amazing. Dark chocolate and coconut were a bit different.
  16. Found a pack of Ferrero Rocher that is 4 months out of date. Eat or bin?
  17. The days must fly bye! Why the hell would you do this? What happened to the good old days of getting pissed and shaving someone or drawing a cock on their head with marker pen instead of trying to make them look like an extra from Towering Inferno.
  18. Go to the pub by yourself and get smashed. By about 11 i tend to forget who im out with anyway.
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