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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. At standard freezer temperature, roughly how long does it take water to turn into ice?
  2. Quick question of my own: Was having a discussion and does the morning after pill have a 100 percent success rate or does it have a small percentage where it isnt effective much like everything else?
  3. Not really sure, i rarely use them anymore but im sure they upped the green ones. Could be wrong.
  4. You get 1 red dot and 2 green ones every 24hours. Whether you use themm or not is up to you, you dont build up a surplus that you can use whenever. Thats the way i see it anyway.
  5. 1. The Gilmore Girls. Get the f**k off of the tv, what are you even supposed to be about! 2. Women. That is all.
  6. McBride didnt score a free-kick for us, hit the bar once. I wouldnt be jumping for joy if i was a Rovers man.
  7. McBride wont get stuck in but is very capable of putting in a good delivery. He needs time on the ball though which he wont get so much of in this league.
  8. How do you greet women you have just met? With guys a trustly old hand shake gets the job done but with women its difficult. I normally give them a wee cheeky smile and say hi. A hug is too much for someone you dont know and they may be an uggo so no danger im letting them rub on me.
  9. Yes sorry it wasnt worded very well. Rumour is he has signed for the Rovers. Would have liked to kept him to see how he will do in this division. He's reasonably big for a winger and is good in the air. Cracking left foot when he wants. Fades in and out of games though, much like any winger. No blessed with huge amounts of pace but certainly not slow. Squad player for RR, no more.
  10. Manson he doesnt even get a game for the Rose. Scott McBride signed from Cowden on a 1 year deal, anyone confirm this? Left sided midfielder and can play up top.
  11. Euro advice: The Post Office are doing 600euros for 533pound sterling. Am i likely to find a better deal than this?
  12. Ohh it is good. You forget about the subtitles half way through. Im looking forward to the new one althoug it will be a load of drivel.
  13. Few tunes on the go: The Undertones - Jimmy Jimmy Train - Drops of jupiter Prof. Green - I Need You Tonight Moist.
  14. Ive got a file i need to open thats a .rar file and i need to extract it. I managed to do it last year without downloading anything but i cant remember how.
  15. If Taylor got that 3rd nine darter i was away to take a bath with the toaster.
  16. There is no doubting how good Taylor is, the gu is unreal. I still hate the p***k.
  17. I feel extremely big and hard! No fly will ever mess with me now, spread the word.
  18. There was a fly buzzing around my living room having the time of his life. Next thing i look he is lying on the table upside down unable to move. Surely flies can move themselves when they are on their back? I didnt think for a second this would impair said fly enough to allow me to suck the fucker up with the hoover. Interesting.
  19. Im that bored im tempted. I may just need to have an affair to liven up my days.
  20. Ive got absolutely nothing to do. Training 7-9 but apart from that im bored as anything. My old man and the missus are both away so the only option that exists is to bevy but pubs are quiet during the week.
  21. Wife Swap USA. Everytime i flick the tv on its there. Get that fabricated pish off air, who watches that tripe.
  22. My phone network is down. I can only make phone calls but cant text at all. Its bloody annoying, damn you 3!
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