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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. Some awesome moments of gore though! I strangely enjoyed it.
  2. Im not disagreeing with your ratings, well maybe a bit , but Kick Ass 12 percent greater than The Godfather? It must be pretty damn good.
  3. Does anyone use oats when making smoothies? Thinking about using them to beef up the calories intake.
  4. It was something like £27 not even including fuel to get up there. There is 2 packages im sure but i have no idea what they are. Its something like; £2 = 2 Dvds per months, £5 = more than 2 dvds a month. You keep them for a whole month im sure, i dont really know the details as it wasnt done by me.
  5. After going to the cinema last weekend and it costing me just shy of £30 for the missus and I we just signed up to the LoveFilm thingy through Tesco. Time to order some 'classics' that ive never seen.
  6. The Indian Premier League (IPL). It really is a load of bollocks.
  7. Yup my computer is officially knackered. Damn you viruses. Is there cheap software i can install to try and fix them? Also i have 4 games in 8 days next week, im going to be shattered.
  8. I dont know sutton01 and have never met him but im absolutely fuming at his story. What a complete joke!! This world is wrong.
  9. My computer is absolutely goosed. 32 viruses has knackered it. It's quite old and i have a laptop but its still annoying as i kept all my music and games ect on it and my BT broadband is pish for some reason so i dont always get a great internet connection. I was just about to install Kaspersky Anti-virus as well .
  10. Currently 2-1 up at Yeovil. 2 cracking headers from Dicky Naylor.
  11. Shutter Island I enjoyed this film. Granted their were twists plenty of twists, some of which you could see coming some were more of a shock, this wasn't really why I liked it. Di Caprio once again plays a really good part and carries the film. It is pretty much entirely based around him so if you aren't a fan it's not one for you. The ending is actually quite sad with the viewer gaining an insight into how he, and others will feel. Overall it's well worth a watch. Rating: 76%
  12. There's a REC 2 coming out. Wonder if it's in English or not.
  13. Going to see Shutter Island tonight. I can see it being pish after so many people telling me how amazing it is.
  14. Football training is on tonight. I was so sure it would be off. Its going to be cold, wet and very unpleasant. Great.
  15. East Lothian is windy as hell with heavy rain. No sign of snow, yet.
  16. I still cant decide who is the biggest faggot in that clip.
  17. Aye man will be there tomorrow if the game is on.

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