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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. People that write 'Livingstone', excuse me what? Is that some sort of emerald, 'David' or do you really mean Livingston?
  2. My head is suddenly feeling very light, i feel dizzy and sick. Literally came on 2 minutes ago. Really strange.
  3. Those 'im a PC' adverts. No youre not a PC, youre a waste of space.
  4. Instead of buying him a pint you could just buy a ticket... I must have missed the episode of real hustle when they con everyone by simply jumping over a fence.
  5. Who do old people need less sleep? They are forever up at the crack of sparrows.
  6. Only because its Kilt eh? Loads of things like this have been posted before and no one moans.
  7. Aye man. We arent overly bothered with results anyway (won 2 lost 2 last year), just a piss-up. If your up for it you should play.
  8. Big deal? Anyways, anyone know when the new Scotland top is out on sale?
  9. About £2.50. Why the hell do you want to do that?
  10. Finance in Football/Philanthropy in Football related literature. Anyone know of any good books/articles? Ive googled and got a couple but looking for a few more.
  11. He wishes mate, he's been asking me out for years. Yeah it was expensive too. I was nearly crying when i checked my back balance on Monday morning.
  12. Everybody that dies seem to be a perfect gentlemen, or had a cracking sense of humour. My experiences is that the world is full of miserable bastards, when do they all die?
  13. *Yawns*. I have no idea where/what Cargo is. I can only assume its the place we were in after bowling.
  14. Im not really a midweek club man, not that i am even a club man. I dont remeber Why Not beind that expensive on a Friday night mind.
  15. 10 bucks to get in, 4 squid a bottle. Really not worth it. Just about got launched by the guy in the toilet for pishing on the floor as well, i missed for around 2 seconds and he went off his head. George Street for you. On topic; i have done 8 pishes today already, not sure if thats normal.
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