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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. I listened to The Gummy Bear Song on advice of a friend. He is now no longer a friend.
  2. Old Crow Medicine Show - Wagon Wheel Thanks to Jim Pansy.
  3. Funnily enough i changed bedrooms in my house and its happened in both, almost identical. I often wonder if i did actually wake up or dream it but theres always a sign that i actually gotup. Normally ive launched the chair away. I woke up to a big fuck off spider on my body a few years ago, my old man wasnt pleased to be woken at 4 in the morning. In general im a poor sleeper, normally 2/3 before i can nod off and the slightest noise wakes me. Edit: On topic, is there a way to view what posts of yours get positive/negative ratings without going through them all?
  4. Once every couple of weeks i wake up in a sweat and see someone sitting on the chair next to my bed. Its a middle aged woman with a white face and long hair. It scares the shit out of me and i freeze with terror. I normally need to get up out of bed put the light on and check the whole of my room to see if she is gone. Takes an age to get back to sleep. Now and then i go for a sleepwalk but i feel im conscious, just not aware why im going what im doing.
  5. What do people class as 'The Scottish National Anthem'? makes no difference to me.
  6. Parole Officer Watched it the other night on BBC one although ive seen it before. If you dont mind Coogan then its a fun and enjoyable watch. Plenty of moments that make you snigger but not really laugh out loud comedy but that doesnt matter. Has its predictable unfunny moments but that comes with the territory. A good 59%. Im continuing to be strick with my ratings instead of handing out 7/8s for films that you think are 'awrite ken'. Oh and im liking the sound of Grotesque.
  7. I like it, although if it gets over played it will become somewhat annoying. Thats the reason i never listen to music on the radio.
  8. Football training outside cancelled, i bloody hate playing football indoor.
  9. All those Celtic cunts that have turned up to Celtic Park to greet and sing Keane's name. Get a life you morons.
  10. At the moment my prognosis is dangleberries. Im away to do a hand stand in the shower.
  11. My ringpiece was extremely itchy today while walking around Edinburgh, i couldnt access it either so i was in agony. What i want to know is do others get this? I hope i dont have some sort of anal worms or something. That wouldnt be pleasant.
  12. Blazing Saddles Another fantastic Mel Brooks film with moment of sheer brilliance. I think one of my favourite lines of all time, a pishtake of the Irish, resides in this film but the explicit nature of it would no doubt reult in a warning on here. Gene Wilder on top form, almost as good as he is in 'Young Frankenstein'. This is not a film for the easily offended but lots of fun. 8.5/10 Im starting to be stricter with my ratings, in order for a film to get an 8/9 it has to be one of my favourite films ever and to get a 10/10 it has to be flawless.
  13. What a fantastic nights entertainment. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  14. Comfortable win in the end for John. Its things like this that needs to be stopped in Snooker, some of the interviews are awful
  15. Fell to pieces a bit in that last leg and Taylor needs no invitation. What i have seen soo far has been awesome. I cant remember the last time i saw finishing as good as Nicholson's. His scoring needs to improve if he wants to go through to the final me feels.
  16. Nicola Sturgeon is getting married. I always reckoned id have a chance to give her a dunt.
  17. You only gave Hot Shots a 5??? Its better than most of the tragic comedies that seem to pile out.
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