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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. Chis is scoring reasonably well but is snatching at a lot of his doubles. Im sure he will calm down further in the match. Hopefully Wolfie doesnt get too far ahead though.
  2. This game might not last much longer.
  3. Has there been anymore news on the Dene Shields front? He would rip the 3rd division apart if fully fit. I heard he was having to retire because of his injury but obviously not.
  4. That was just an amazing finish to the match. Back to back bulls including an awesome 164. Deservedly through.
  5. Here's hoping anyway! Chis should win this leg from here.
  6. There's the talent i like to see.
  7. Chisnall is a barrel of fun. Talking to him is like pulling teeth.
  8. The main problem is pitches where teams get 600+ for 5 wickets ect. Test cricket is a fantastic game though and anyone who cant understand how you can draw after 5 days play just need to look at this and see how exciting it can still be. Ian Bell again with a good knock. KP not so good
  9. Thats a given. Hopefully they can see out the remaining overs and get a hard fought raw ot of this test
  10. I feel i was a touch too harsh on Murray at the start of the tournament. I still dont like him but he wasnt as bad as i first thought. Comfortable for Wolfie in the end. A 65 average for Fleet is awful. I was prbably averaging more than that in the pub yesterday!
  11. Completely fed up with the snow now. My car is completely stuck and im not getting it out for a while. However, on my walk down to the pub i had to help pull out a couple of cars so at least i got my good deed for the day out of the way.
  12. Knowing Started off with potential and looked as if it could be a decent watch but alas it didn't turn out to be. A rather silly ending just rounded off an overall poor effort. I like Cage though which kept me going. 4/10 Face Off Bit of a Nic Cage marathon but this was by far the better watch. Lots of flaws as expected but it doesn't really take away from the film as a whole. Not a classic as some suggest but a very entertaining movie. 7/10
  13. He looked pissed! Adams wont get an easier match all year! Watching the highlights of Montgomery v Thomson. Monty had about 9 darts to win 3-2 and bottled it completely. 2-2 going into the breaker. Tony Greens voice is quickly putting me to sleep though.
  14. Fantastic news. May get of my arse and actually go down to one of the PL games this year.
  15. Worst performance of darts ive ever seen! That Aussie was just terrible. Im not long back from the pub and i reckon my average was slighlty higher than his. He looked guttered aswell. I started to feel sorry for him.
  16. Well done the Wiz. I would love to see him go on and win this now. I take it the final is around 7.30 tomorrow? Dont finish bloody work till 8.
  17. Certainly one of the best ive seen but the final will have a major say overall. If Taylor wipes the floor, which as you said he most likely will, then that always puts a dampner on it. Barney was 4/1 not long ago. Mental. Cmon the Big Dutch Man.
  18. Cmon Barney!! Barney Army, Barney Army!
  19. Agreed, much better game. Wagner looks like some sort of porn star though. What time do the PDC matches get underway?
  20. Well that would explain a lot but he is still awful IMO.
  21. Piece if piss for Hankey in the end. I was hoping he was going to fall out with the crowd. Colin Murray is doing my nut it!! You can tell he knows f**k all about what he's saying!
  22. I was flicking between the scores and the darts but everytime Walton was at the oche he seemed to be throwing pish darts. Ive watched quite a bit of BDO and i just dont enjoy it as much. The boy Woods looked like a complete dick.
  23. Barney Army! Am i right in saying he now faces Whitlock? I dont know who i want to prevail. Probably wtill the big Dutchman. Id love to see Taylor go out now.
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