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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. I think unbe-fucking-lievable will suffice here.
  2. Nice one. Being lazy here but i dont suppose you know the dates off hand?
  3. Very true!! Does anyone know the Scottish venues that the Premier League will be featuring next year?
  4. Wade is one of the worst counters i have seen in the game. Awful, just awful. He should be smart though as he has glasses.
  5. Something, Something, Something, Dark Side The second volume of the Family Guy/Star Wars series. While it wasnt as good as the first one it was enjoyable enough and had a few laughs. Lots of Star Wars references(nah!) which made it very watchable as the original Star Wars films are awesome. 7/10
  6. I still cant believe Downey Jr is playing Sherlock. Not for me. It may be an ok film but it wont have the feel of a Sherlock Holmes film.
  7. Missed most of todays play aswell. Delighted though. What a series Swann is having.
  8. I just cant take to either of the Scots Anderson or Thornton. Theres something about then M i dont like. Id love to see the big Dutch man go on to win it after last night but alas i cant see it.
  9. Im not an Ian Bell fan but credit where credit is due. Fantastic score. A ton is a ton whether someone has got one before you or not. I do agree he needs to push on and make scores when under pressure though. England should have declared.
  10. Its a solid 6/7 out of 10. Few good laughs and a few predictable moments. Im sure you will enjoy it. How about combine your two selections, kill 2 birds with one stone and go for ConAir?
  11. Could be a late one tonight. I would really like to see Ding win. It could take his career to the next level if he is victorious and i think he deserves it. Higgins is a top-notch match player. Best in the world at the moment. Anyone see the interview with Hearn? We will learn a lot of his ideas before the WC in April. I hope he doesnt muck about with the major tournaments, though i doubt he will.
  12. Cheers boss. Doesnt really change anything anyway.
  13. Thats good enough for me Salty. But where was my rating in the census? Before i went to see the film i thought it was based on true events or some pish like that? The opinion really is divided up but i just dont see how anyone could be scared. I sat in the cinema bored, not often i can say that. The trailers also made me think there was going to be a hell of a lot of scary moments. Bloody Yanks!!
  14. Cant stand Maguire, he comes across a right dick. Really looking forward to tomorrows game it should be a classic. Hopefully the Rocket will prevail.
  15. Paranormal Activity Utter pish. Not scary, not believable and all round crap. I was sitting in the cinema bored out of my mind by this dross. The fact theres severasl ending some up this crap. Why do they even try to claim its real? Did the demons act out 3 different ending? At the end the whole cinema burst into laughter at this heap of shite. 2/10 How many different endings are their? The one i saw ended with her using the guy as an olympic shot-put then sniffing him and the camera. Im not putting this in a spoiler as its gives nothing away and quite frankly im too angry. Edit: I saw version 1 although it also seemed to end like version 3. They are all shite. Loads of people have said how scary it was, i really dont get it. I was the least scariest 'horror' ive seen. And Mika, cmon what a pish name.
  16. Ronnie looks like going 5-2 up on Selby and it has been comfortable for him so far. Hes still not at the top of game but he looks so difficult to beat. Im hoping for a Higgins v O'Sullivan semi final. That would be a real cracker.
  17. Yeah Ronnie was getting a semi over that too. I was hoping for a bit more needle in the Ebdon game because of their history but its been pretty mudane, mainly because Ronnie is comfortable as hell. I did enjoy Grifthes speculating that Ronnie hadnt shaved to have a wee dig at Ebdon for being bald!
  18. The more i watch Stephen Hendry the more he infuriates me. I just never back him to clear up or win the frame at one visit. I would love him to turn over Selby but alas i cant see it. I watched the Ronnie v Stevens game and when on form Ronnie is great to watch.
  19. I wet shaved for the first time in about a year (i normally use an electric razor) and i look like a dick.
  20. My big win of the weekend: £1 on Motherwell 2-2 Dundee Utd. £14 winnings. Rolling in it.
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