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Cowden til i die

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Everything posted by Cowden til i die

  1. Can any good chap tell me who won the American Apprentice that is shown on BBC1 on a Monday around midnight. Missed the last one last night.
  2. 88 Minutes A film that you know exactly what you are going to get and it didnt fail to deliver. Its just a pity i knew i was going to get average acting and as always a ludicrously convenient plot. I was expecting some sort of shocking ending which just didnt happen. I felt it could have been so much better. It was still a decent enough watch and ive got a lot of time for Pacino. 6/10
  3. I just cant be doing with pitches like that anymore. I hope SA has some good pitches but that offer the bowler something. Not been on to post but i watched Eion Morgan knock in the first 20/20 and it was sublime. Some ridiculous shots played. He hits a cricket ball so hard for a little guy.
  4. Seven Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman and if thats not enough Kevin Spacey pops up towards the end. Another perfectly predictable film but good all the same. You knew the ending was going to end in that sort of direction but i enjoyed the parts leading up to it. All of this happens on Freemans last week of work ect the usual tripe but you do genuinely feel for Pitt at the end(in the movie sense). 7.5/10 extra 0.5 for scenes of gore.
  5. What was the craic with Part then? Ive just turned it on. Im normally a big fan of the big Canadian. This Dobromyslova lassie is a piece. Never thought id be watching darts and think one of the players is worth a ride.
  6. I was walking along the underpass at Potterow today and there was a homeless guy sitting on the street. Not unusual as therea always some deadbeat kicking around there but yesterday was different. There was 3 reasonably well dressed women(late 40s/early 50s) croutching over him counting the money in his hat and trying to drag him up to come for dinner with them. 'We will give you £5.10 for it'. No idea why it was this figure. Just as i was leaving earshot i heard one women say 'now dont you be too proud, come to dinner with us'. Further down the street on South Bridge there was an ambulance attending to a pissed junky who had fallen over and hurt himself. 'Let him bleed to death' i said in a voice that was quiet enough so no one could hear but loud enough to make me feel like a big man.
  7. Shock. Fell asleep watching Al Pacinos 88 minutes then woke up so it ruined it a bit for me. Im pissed off as it looked pretty good.
  8. In Bruges Really didnt enjoy it. It was far too slow and nothing seemed to happen. I couldnt wait on it finishing. 3/10 Saw IV First time ive watched it since i went to the cinema and its not a bad watch. Offers a bit of background into Jigsaw and definitely clears a few things up. 7/10
  9. I think im going to need to have a saw-mnibus before i go to see the new one to freshen my memory. A Day at the Races Just finished watching it on TCM and it is just as funny as the first time i watched it. Probably the greatest comedy writers of all time in the Marx brother at their best. 'Tutsi fruity ice-cream' 9.5/10
  10. I cant think of any bit that genuinely made me laugh. A couple made me smirk but apart from that nowt. Terrible film and sums up what seems to be classed 'comedy' these days. 2/10
  11. Im exactly the same. I cant get essays done untill i have 'The Fear'.
  12. Shaved my ToJo earlier and its just too itchy. Christ knows how im going to play football, the sweat will be unbearable.
  13. When you are on the phone and you get cut off accidentally. You spend around 10 minutes trying to phone each other back but you are both engaged as you are phoning each other at the same time. There should be some sort of international code when this happens, the person that origianlly made the call should phone back.
  14. Yeah i thought so Salty. Did one of the Baldwins not play Ryan in 'The Hunt for Red October'? Get Smart Pretty much as i expected. You get the usual few cheap laughs with any Steve Carell film which made it an OK watch. Not too much more you can say about it. It is what it is. 6/10 Tonight i shall watch '88 minutes'.
  15. Clear and Present Danger Im assuming this is a sequel to 'Patriot Games' as its consists of the same character 'Jack Ryan' played by Harrison Ford. Overall a pretty good watch if not largely predictable. Not as many action scenes as i hoped for but that didnt put me off too much. 7/10
  16. The Prestige I absolutely love this film. Its the second time ive watched it and it was almost as good as the first time, those of you that have seen it will know what i mean. The storyline gets far fetched which ruins it a bit but the ending is simple, effective and i really didnt see it coming. I would recommend this to anyone. Bale and Jackman are superb. Edit: 9/10
  17. Is Dougie Hill still playing well? He helps out with training at my teams under 15s and he was saying that he loves it at the Rovers.
  18. Robbie Williams live at the Electric Proms. Moist.
  19. You Only Live Twice Personally i think its the best James Bond film just edginbg out Goldfinger. Tam Connery is just the perfect James Bond and makes them a very enjoyable watch. Like many films from that era parts just dont make sense and are so obvious to the viewer but thats why i love them. Every villian is desperate to give Bond the perfect execution instead of a bullet through the head. 9.5/10 Saw II Second best film of the Saw's behind the 1st one. After that they really go down hill but are still average enough films. Lots of gorey moments which i enjoy as well as the usual twist at the end, everything you could possibly want in a film. 8/10
  20. If it was today how did it go? Davidson is a complete prick. That is all. Edit: Can anyone tell me if there are any service disruptions between Fife and Edinburgh on Saturday the 17th? I cant see anything on-line but i thought i saw something on a sign on Waverley(i was running so couldnt really see it)? Cheers.
  21. Too right it would be a massive step down but if its a good offer and the only one on the table does he have a choice...Maybe they are planning to bring in a few new faces to boost their league position.
  22. High Anxiety Was just on Channel 4 so i thought id give it another watch. One of the Mel Brooks collection and one of his better ones. Not ot the same high standard of Blazing Saddles or Young Frankenstein but a very good watch with lots on witty moments. Basically a spoof of 3 or 4 Hitchcock's films rolled into one. 7.5/10
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