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Mortar Bored

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Posts posted by Mortar Bored

  1. I'm bloody delighted that Gunther has a jacuzzi / paddling pool with resident Hippo in his garden.
    Almost every post screams "look at me"!
    Other than that he seems like a good c**t and has started a very #dece thread on the travel forum.
    Gunther if you are viewing, cheap flights from Glasgow - Goa in late September?

  2. This story makes me feel like I'm turning into a fascist in my old age but that sense of entitlement, that it's all the fault of the emergency services annoys me. The concept of personal responsibility is lost on some folk. 

    This. There has been a major decrease of personal responsibility in my lifetime, sometimes, shit happens because the person involved was irresponsible / made a mistake. But no no no, it's always somebody else's fault.
  3. People do realize that it can take millions of years for radioactive waste to reduce to non harmful levels? What are they going to do. Keep digging deep holes in the ground and hope none of it is ever accidentally released? It's devastating. Far more so than the fear of energy shortage.

    Just like the natural occurring Uranium just under the surface of planet earth?
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