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hk blues

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Posts posted by hk blues

  1. 1 hour ago, kingjoey said:

    Just to clear things up, you philistine, Mr Bowie did not care how (hoe) people pronounced his name.

    We had a music teacher called Mr Bowie - it never crossed anyone's mind that it would be pronounced in any other way than the right one.  Thinking back, we missed an opportunity for much hilarity by not calling him David seeing as he was a music guy.  

  2. 15 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

    It was when I first went to university, at Abertay, in 2002. On the first day of classes we had an introduction session for our course, split in to groups I think, and we had to say our name, where we were from and our age.

    When it came to me I gave my name and where I was from but said something about not saying my age (17 at the time incidentally), the implication being that I was just sooooo young.

    This implication was only obvious to me however and everyone else there was either the same age or a year or two older. f**king minter and I must have seemed like a right bell.


    My 17 year old self was a tit. First few weeks there were great mind (lots of firsts) but then after it fell apart quite horribly, which lead down a pretty dark road for a long time.

    I think Throbber's spot on.  I can remember a couple of crackers myself but I doubt others present remember - at least I hope not.

    As an example, the only one I remember from somebody else was back in 2002 on my first day at Abertay... 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:

    Think they should change school start time to 6am and keep these people off the roads at peak times. 

    And while they're at it they can change Christmas to October when the shops are less busy. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:

    Championship and B&Q Cup would be far more impressive. Partly because you have to play more than 4 ties to win the Championship, but mainly because the B&Q Cup doesn't exist any more, but some club has bound to have done both in the same season, and I never heard any risible nonsense from them about "Doubles".

    We should probably give them their moment in the sun as they've never won "The League" and, let's face it, never will.  

  5. 16 hours ago, die hard doonhamer said:

    Another question for Dundee locals. The wife and I are planning a weekend in London in February, and are looking at the various travel options. How long before a flight do you need to be at Dundee airport? She finishes work at 3, a 12 minute drive from the airport. The proposed flight is at 3:55, does that give us enough time, or is it too tight? I’ve never flown from Dundee, so I’ve no idea. 

    No idea but 12 minutes seems very specific - no chance it's 11 or 13?  

  6. 13 hours ago, Peil said:

    Started off as people in the emergency services could get a discount at some places, 10/20% off depending on who accepted it. Didn't stop people in back office roles signing up either, but it's a commercial thing anyway. 

    Seems to be good moaning 'why should they get it' it's not coming out of their pockets so what's the grump?

    I guess the point is it's an 'exclusive' scheme and not open to all so naturally those who aren't able to join feel disgruntled that others who they perceive don't really qualify can. 


  7. 21 hours ago, coprolite said:

    Mrs Coprolite likes to booby trap the garden so if i'm out playing "football" or "badminton" with the kids i'll almost always end up being struck behind the ear by a bird feeder and getting a load of niger seeds down my back. 

    Funnily enough (not actually funny) I headbutted the A/C bracket in our garden last night which resulted in a fair amount of blood, a headache and a nice scar.  

  8. 37 minutes ago, Sammons Pizzeria said:

    If the club keep a hold of McCowan, do you think him and Cameron in the middle give you a good chance of not only solidifying top six, but even pushing on for Europe? Arguably one of the better pairings in the league.  


    27 minutes ago, alexbanks72 said:

    The way other teams are playing, Dundee have a head start. If they keep what they have/add a little bit of depth I doubt they'll miss out on Europe.

    Cheers for the praise but we don't want to get ahead of ourselves.  We were a baw hair from going 3-1 down in the derby and playing poorly so we are more than capable of dropping the ball.  That said, If we'd been able to close out games last season we'd have been in Europe this season.  

    Top 6 is a big enough ask - Aberdeen looking like they'll challenge for a place and add in Killie and St M whose euro distractions will be over this week and it's going to be tough to get in that group.  We've as much chance as Killie and St M I'd say and will reserve judgement on Aberdeen. 

    Still, thinking we'll be looking up rather than down which for Dundee is a rarity.



  9. 5 minutes ago, Eednud said:

    This is probably only a question for people from Dundee. Looking at results on the Scottish Football Fixtures site I noticed this venue for yesterday’s Dundee West women. Downfield Pavilion / Charlotte Street Pitches,

    Had a look at Google maps and is the pavilion part of what was the old Fairmuir Special School? Do the pitches extend onto what was the infectious diseases quarantine hospital (can’t remember it’s name) or was that a bit further up Macalpine Road almost opposite the crematorium?

    I played football for Downfield under 9s to 15s - we played at School Road next to the old NBR station.  Isn't that in the vicinity of where you're talking or are you much further into Downfield?

  10. 2 minutes ago, Hauzen said:

    Football clubs know it can get a bit frosty at times so they put radiators under their grass to combat that.

    Even I know it's chilly up behind the clouds, surely they should be making heated wings? I'll patent that idea if nobody's thought of it before and make my millions, ta.


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