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hk blues

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Everything posted by hk blues

  1. Are you not grasping the point of a multi-club forum Jock?
  2. Exactly - It's like those who complain about folk wearing football tops on holiday. It's to be encouraged IMHO for the reason mentioned above
  3. You'd have thought Richard Stilgoe could have afforded first-class?
  4. It won't cost any less to put them on gardening leave than punting them now and paying up their contracts. I hope you do neither, though.
  5. It's rarely the car that causes an accident - usually the driver. The impact of the accident might be diminished nowadays, but I'm not convinced the number of accidents is less
  6. Since 1965. Cars might have gotten safer, drivers have not. Surely an increase of 10mph would just push everyone up 10mph - the guys now driving at 80mph wouldn't stick to 80mph, they'd likely follows the 10% plus thinking
  7. That's not really true though, is it. A mistake at 80mph is less forgiving than one at 70mph - great drivers make mistakes like the rest of us. And how about the impact of weather and speed together?
  8. Yep, I guessed that's what she meant but simply moving the same pot from one account to another doesn't make the pot bigger. I suppose if she's one of those people who spend what's left at the end of the month then it makes sense to move from the current account to the savings account.
  9. By doing that I’ve been able to save even more than my target. The past two months I’ve saved an extra £200, by transferring out what I have left in my current account to my savings account at the end of each month. I think the above quote from the article reveals the real problem - she's not very bright. If she thinks moving her money from account A to account B constitutes saving more then she needs to take a look at herself.
  10. Probably not - just the ones we see on here
  11. The problem is the same drivers are the ones who do that speed when it's not clear for them
  12. Strange to say, but I'd love to experience the 4 seasons again and that bitingly cold weather we get.
  13. Off the coast of the Sahara actually, but with an Atlantic breeze it can be cooler than Southern Spain. OK - hot but less hot than Southern Spain. In all seriousness though, anywhere in Southern Europe is going to be hot in August. How hot doesn't really make much difference to most of us northern Europeans I'd guess.
  14. I was clearly talking about another assault. I'd still day it depends on the circumstances. I'm not sure why we want to be judge and jury for one of our players t.b.h. Let's wait and see what, if any, f**k ups happen next.
  15. As far as I'm aware, GB is the mainland so includes Scotland, England and Wales only and the UK is GB plus Northern Ireland. In fact, it isn't the UK, it' s the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Norther Ireland.
  16. I hear you, but it surely would depend on the circumstances? Speeding offence?
  17. To be fair, I don't think any Word Cup has had KO times that didn't suit the host nation.
  18. I didn't say any of them weren't a nation - as I said I assumed (wrongly) you were querying the use of the word nation. The 3 British nations are Scotland, England and Wales.
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