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hk blues

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Everything posted by hk blues

  1. Late kick-off times for who though? Your 8pm is my 4am. The KO times should be what works in the host country, nothing else can work.
  2. There are only 3, I thought the poster was picking on my use of the word nation rather than the fact I said 3 nations. Maybe I was giving them too much credit!
  3. You don't see the distinction between an England score and England's success being good for British sport? The Murray point is irrelevant to you because it doesn't support your view.
  4. Ok, I'll make it simple - If England do well does it move Scotland, Wales and NI up the rankings? No, it does not. But, that's got nothing to do with England winning being a good day for British sport. Prestige, image, positive impression etc are surely of some value regardless of moving up the FIFA rankings or not If Andy Murray wins you wouldn't say it was a good day for Scottish sport because it doesn't move Scotland up the FIFA rankings?
  5. We're not talking about English fans though, are we? We are talking about rational people who can understand the concept of a country representing both itself on one level and a greater entity on another. On you second point, absolutely many foreigners cannot distinguish between Britain and England _ If I had a pound for every person making this mistake over the past few weeks I'd not need to listen to their pish again! If it's not an anti-British stance, what stance is it?
  6. England is part of Britain and all 3 nations represent Britain regardless of having a separate identity in some sports (including football). If this was a PTTGOYN I'd understand your point. Surely you cannot be upset that Britain gets praise for the success of a British team? It's like those people who get upset when a Scot succeeds in sport and becomes British but in reverse.
  7. If she'd said "English sport" she'd have got pelters I'm sure. Perhaps she found telling you that England is part of Britain equally challenging! Unpopular Opinions thread for this pish, I know!
  8. I'm a bit short-sighted so I quite like normal as it seems no different to HD!
  9. We're lucky enough if the electricity doesn't cut out during a game. Hopefully those orphans in Darfur can dig deeper and send enough for a generator.
  10. No HD where I am so I'm lucky If I can see the players never mind what's written on their backs!
  11. Cheers will contact them and see what's happening. Nothing in junk/spam and no automatic filtering enabled so maybe something else I've got configured. That's 3 different email addresses tried with 3 different winning codes and no mails. Gah! Probably because Chomp has already used your email addresses!
  12. That's the problem we have being box-office, everybody wants a piece of us. The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.
  13. But you'd run out of companies to transfer to pretty quickly
  14. But surely if he's good enough for Hull he's good enough for us?
  15. If it's on a stick, it's an Ice Lolly?
  16. An ex-colleague of mine used to (possibly still does) dye his hair a strawberry blond colour - we were in Hong Kong but neither of us are Chinese as far as I can tell.
  17. Joking apart, one of the houses in the street next to me have a half-sized basketball court with a floodlight-type set up. It's too far for me to hear but i'm sure it must annoy the neighbours. I passed the other night and they were doing zumba or something like that on the court, blasting out some shite music.
  18. I have a neighbour just the same. So disruptive and selfish - thud, thud, thud of the basketball which annoys the f**k out of me!
  19. I lost my 3 6-week old kittens last night. We have lost about 7 or 8 over the last 4 or 5 months - I reckon some of our neighbours have a snake and are feeding them to the snake. Or dog maybe?
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