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hk blues

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Everything posted by hk blues

  1. Aye, completely bizarre behaviour to park perfectly well in a designated parking space - in fact park even better than the driver in the next space judging by the picture.
  2. Never heard that, but have heard diaried many times. It's easier than saying "I have put it in my diary" and everyone can understand its meaning so I'm saying why not. Corporate speak cnut that I am.
  3. Yes, true...if they are renting out a room in an apartment they are living in it's not illegal. But, not so if they own 2 apartments in the same building and rent out one. Regardless, I'd imagine the risk is low if you've done your research.
  4. I'll admit I like to take a look around a local supermarket in a new place I'm visiting. But just the once and not as an alternative to someplace like Epcot.
  5. If you look at only the Play-Off itself, the Premiership team comes in at the final only whilst the Championship teams have to play games to get to the final so it seems to favour the Premiership team. But, that's not an argument that holds any water because both teams in the final play the same games in the period leading up to the final. The only real advantage is that the Premiership team is at home for the 2nd leg.
  6. So this accie guy reckons the team going up don't need a squad overhaul but the team coming down does? Yep, that's logical.
  7. This got me thinking. In the shopping mall I go to, the right escalators go up and the left down. Then again, they also drive on the right here so that backs up your point. Or doesn't.
  8. "A "devastated" McDonald's customer has hit out at the fast food giant claiming she bit into a mozzarella stick and found no cheese inside. Catherine Murphy, 24, paid £1.59 for a three-pack of mozzarella sticks from one of the chain's Liverpool restaurants after the item was put back on the menu for a limited time. She said she was stunned when she sank her teeth into one of the cheesy dippers and it was hollow." "devastated"; "stunned." - over a mozzarella stick - seriously? Not a day goes by when we don't hear such shite in the news. We are walking blindly into the abyss day by day.
  9. Do we need to put the hat round for you GD? First 50-odd pence lost on petrol and now 65p on bank charges? Lanzarote looks like losing out this year I guess.
  10. "A woman who didn’t want to let go of her handbag followed it through the X-ray machine at a train station in China". The sooner the world comes to an end the better IMO.
  11. I agree, but don't let me catch you calling your 2nd team Dundee!
  12. Further to a previous post I made ref. piss poor journalism - In this case she may have seen a rat, but I smell one :- "Pat Bateman, 60, said she had just finished feeding her two-year-old lunch and was putting the packet back in the freezer when she spotted the rodent".
  13. Maths gives me a headache. I prefer to keep it simple - the article stated 47% of delayed bags were on connecting flights - so 53% were not in my simple way of thinking.
  14. The increasing amount of bad journalism - quoted from some internet article - "However, your bag is more likely to be misplaced if you have a connection. The report showed that 47% of delayed bags were in the process of being transferred to another flight". Therefore, 53% of misplaced bags are not on a connecting flight. So the opening statement is totally wrong.
  15. Buy Liam Lindsay then. If Hendry is as shite as you're implying why does your boss want to buy him?
  16. About 20 years and still there for me! Actually, I'd just about wiped it from memory until I saw this topic! f**k!
  17. HR are about as impartial as Trade Union officials. Their role is to ensure policies are followed but that's to protect the company, not the employees - hopefully in most cases the two can be achieved at the same time.
  18. It's not that simple - you can sack someone for being absent but there are a lot of hoops to jump through. No idea if there is enough to go to a tribunal but certainly worth talking to a Union Rep if a member or getting advice elsewhere.
  19. My ex-wife and I did the same - we decided we would always sell stock options/stock grants immediately they became available so we didn't have the should we/shouldn't we discussion and then regret selling/not selling at the right time.
  20. It's like all shares, the price at any one time is irrelevant - only when you come to sell does it matter. In theory a lower price when you're contributing to the scheme is better, as you can get more shares if the price is low - and then hope the price recovers once your plan matures and you then have more shares to sell then you would have if the price had been higher.
  21. Yep...not so much outraged as looking to be outraged so they can get their few minutes of fame and likes on social media - just IMO.
  22. Working until 8pm, then that's me for the year. A few beers and a bbq chicken later.
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