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Everything posted by Northboy

  1. Or Robertson in front of Tierney? I'm not entirely convinced of Tierney's defensive qualities.
  2. Exactly - we'd be very naïve to think this kind of contact didn't take place. Perhaps unethical but I'm not particularly bothered as it's the way of the world.
  3. Aye...thats a bit of a f**k-up, of course the wee arsehole scored to send it into extra-time, not penalties I don't see that as a reason to hate him. Didn't it just add to the experience and memories?
  4. Of course there's a media campaign but he is the blatantly obvious candidate.
  5. He'd be on my list too, there are plenty of reasons without resorting to the 'ditched his country' nonsense.
  6. This could be an endless list but I always reserved a particular hatred for Neale Cooper at Aberdeen.
  7. Great start to the new series despite the historical errors and continuity errors ... Episode 1 was supposedly set in 1925 yet the chef wanted to know if the Christmas Day visitors were arriving before or after the King' Speech - the first such speech didn't happen until 1932. As for the shooting, the trees were in full leaf on Christmas Day.
  8. I'm pretty sure that William and Kate's wedding was an official public holiday so you should have had a day off. I suspect that Harry is too far down the pecking order to warrant a holiday for this one though.
  9. It's in Azerhaijan, no idea of stadium name through.
  10. Sure I've seen this pic before - somewhere in Mexico from memory but no idea of the team or name of ground.
  11. I flew from Edinburgh this past week for the first time in several years. Going out not too bad but still far from an enjoyable experience. Coming back they seemed determined to hold you up at every stage - 1hr, 35 minutes from the time the plane touched down until I got to my car.
  12. Huntly have been pretty poor in recent years. Locos had a poor start and although they have hit a bit of form in the past few weeks I think it's too early to judge their likely position in the Highland league this season. I agree it's a tough one to predict - difficult to assess and compare teams from different leagues.
  13. That would be a good point if it weren't for the fact that Hamilton Accies' Ryan Fulton was called up. Or the fact that McGeady was an OF player. If he has an offer from Ireland and feels he has an affinity/opportunity there then good luck to him.
  14. Definitely annoying, especially when they ask for your hard earned cash as sponsorship. I used to work with a guy who was well into cycling and was always asking for sponsorship for some bike ride or another which eventually pissed people off. Cycling was his hobby - someone pointed out to him that their hobby was going to the pub on a Friday/Saturday evening and asked whether he'd like to sponsor that!
  15. I always think he has a look of Jimmy Nicholl about him.
  16. Ah yes, the BBC Scotland 'tennis' correspondent - what the hell does he do when Andy Murray isn't playing?
  17. She always has a look that suggests she's just sat in something unpleasant.
  18. The really annoying bit is the suggestion that 'blogger' is a job!
  19. This is the first time I've looked at this thread and as I can't be bothered looking through all pages excuse me if this one has already been mentioned. There was an advert for bottled water doing the rounds a couple of months ago. The theme was that it was drunk my mothers who passed this lifestyle choice onto their daughters. When did water become gender specific?
  20. That's an opinion thought that I've had in mind for a couple of years now. St Johnstone have had a succession of good managers (Coyle, McInnes, Lomas) who have had rather a mixed record since leaving Perth. Is there something in the set up at St Johnstone that allows a manager to flourish?
  21. Broadening it out a bit, I overheard a conversation between 4 girls in an airport departure lounge discussing the increasing merits of the respective medical kits they were taking with them for their holiday ... Girl 1 - 'Has anyone brought a first aid kit because I have nothing' Girl 2 - ' I threw a few painkillers and plasters in my toilet bag' Girl 3 - 'I got one of those first aid travel kits from Boots' Girl 4 - 'My mum's friend is a doctor and she put together and emergency kit for me' I suspect of there had been a 5th one she would probably have been bringing her personal physician.
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