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Everything posted by K77

  1. Different tacheman then, this guy had the same bomber jacket skinny jeans and doc martin combo most weeks. We had him down as an aging 80’s classic BNP racist guy just because of the fashion. Turned out we got that wrong when he started bringing his girlfriend to the game who was this tall black girl about ten years younger than him. If I remember correctly she was an absolute wid. We were astonished that a) he wasn’t a neo nazi after all and b) how the hell has he managed to snag this hottie. He was there every week. The only other one I remember in their group was a really short fat guy who may have been called Davie. I f**king miss the shed.
  2. Did tacheman usually wear a dark leather bomber type jacket? if so I remember him well.
  3. Box office as f**k. But more importantly, how much money are we getting for this?
  4. Tomorrow morning. Glasgow > London > Munich. Not sure how much sleep I'll get tonight.
  5. Crazy to have a decent wee stand on the length of the pitch and mothball it, surely there is an appetite for a singing section in the north end? Give the south end to away support singing section and we can all stand at the seggy fence to fling coins at each other create a good atmosphere. I get there will be operational costs to open 4 stands for all games, we use 2 stands for many games, but surely this could be managed better? I'll be there in hope rather than expectation tomorrow, not very confident.
  6. I am sure this has been asked many times but why is the railway stand not currently in use?
  7. 3 x fans first tickets. The rest of our group managed to get the same. I can finally stop shitting it.
  8. Is there any way of coordinating where most Scotland fans will be located? Fans first location is fine with me, if not available I would want to be where the atmosphere is, I have been waiting a long time for this so f**k the cost. Future me will pay for it.
  9. Fucking yaldi! on 11 points and got a ticket, mate on 11 got one as well. My brother is on 10 points, the 3 of us booked the trip a while back, any chance France will up our allocation?
  10. To demonstrate how little thought I am giving it I'll usually write something applicable to a different type of card. 'Happy Birthday!', 'Get Well Soon' or 'Congratulations on your marriage'.
  11. I think you have to look at the running of the club over the last couple of years by the previous board. Our stadium capacity isn’t dictated by the number of seats in a stand. It’s the number of seats that are safely useable and in the jhs alone that could be up to 300 (allegedly) broken seats that can’t be sold. Couple that with a bumper crowd and a ticketing system that said the jls stand was sold out when it was half full. understandable that this needs to be managed. Edit to add the mismanagement of the stadium is down to the previous board failing to invest any money in the upkeep of the stadium.
  12. I believe they had a ~10% reduction in capacity as the tickets were sold as unallocated seats. Trying to stop people wandering around long after kick off trying to find a seat or some areas becoming overcrowded.
  13. It's fucking great being Scottish.
  14. Exactly the bitter tear stained pish I was expecting. Got to get one last dig at the fans in, deluded right to the end.
  15. WTF did I just read. Who are these "genuine Thistle fans"? What a bunch of obnoxious, arrogant wankers, they need hounded out of our club.
  16. Full day drinking in the pub. Hampden was bouncing at the end. A few seething 'Irish fans' with broad Glaswegian accents. Get it right up you and your IRA chants you plastic paddy b*****ds.
  17. It’s thistle as f**k to go top of the league yet still be raging.
  18. I think the Just Stop Oil lot are missing a trick here. Instead of fannying around with small gimmicks cable like tying yourselves to goalposts or gluing yourself paintings, go big and glue yourself to the Queens coffin, that would be some laugh. Definitely get decent exposure to your protests. Downsides are you might get shot.
  19. Just to pish in your chips even more. Rugby, golf, cricket, horse racing, yeah they are all fine to resume over the weekend. seems it’s just football that’s getting royally fucked over.
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