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Posts posted by fatbadger442

  1. Turns out Shire voted in favour, which saddens me. However, the board have explained their reasoning (which is better than most). Effectively, the SPFL and the SFA did what they always do, lobbying for the interests of the big clubs, and they basically said that if the LL did not vote in favour of the three guests clubs, they wouldn't commit to a pyramid review. Shire are solidly in favour of a review and expanded promotion and relegation between the tiers, despite knowing they were being blackmailed, felt they had no choice but to vote in favour in order to secure the review.

    So, while I'm still angry at the LL, I think we should direct even more anger at the SPFL and the SFA for using something that we all (I think) want, as a bargaining chip to promote the interests of the richest clubs. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Dundee Hibernian said:

    The Stenhousemuir chairman, who @Benidorm referred to as an "Orange Lodge fuckwit" who would welcome B sides into the system, appears to be fully against.

    I'd like to think clubs at that level would be making angry representations to the SPFL and SFA regarding their deceitful involvement in using member clubs, without their knowledge, as an enticement to the LL group who lack any football history in buying their support for B teams.

    He isn't "fully against". He is objecting to the possibility of a pyramid review that may suggest increased tier4/5 relegation/promotion. He is being an opportunist, using the anger against the B teams to gain support for his own self-interested status quo.


  3. 16 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

    Hopefully that's L1 and L2 clubs utterly hardened against any reconstruction that would increase promotion spots for the LL.

    The silver lining is that over the next few years, it'll likely be that the majority of mickey mouse clubs who voted for this who'll be relegated and replaced with real football clubs.

    This is true. Gretna, Gala,, Silly Name Broomhill etc should all go down over the next few season. Sadly, we may lose the likes of Dalbeattie and Edinburgh Uni, who voted against. But they will all be replaced by clubs who should have the right view. It isn't, I don't think, a coincidence that every club that has entered the LL from either above or below - Berwick, Shire, Bonnyrigg, Cowdenbeath Tranent, Bo'ness - are/have been opposed.

    Unfortunately, I think that the SFA and the LL board are working on a longer term strategy that is going to normalise B team involvement and its concretising in the "Pyramid Review" that will mean it continues to happen, whatever the view of the member clubs.



  4. 52 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

    If that's the case, it would make the collaborators:

    Caledonian Braves
    Cumbernauld Colts
    East Kilbride
    Gala Fairydean Rovers
    Gretna 2008
    Open Goal Broomhill
    Stirling University

    Open to being corrected if any of those clubs want to clarify that they actually aren't among the quislings who allowed this, but every club who was in favour should be boycotted.

    Worth noting that Berwick and East Stirling don't entirely get a pass here either having voted in favour of the two last season, but at least they're doing the right thing now no matter how late.

    So let's tweeting or emailing them, asking them to confirm which way they voted.

  5. 48 minutes ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:

    Sorry who are the 8 teams who voted against it


    Anyone else know who the other 6 are ?

    We can assume, I think, that the clubs that we know were opposed to *any* guest clubs are in the list of those voting against letting 3 in. Of the current members, that includes CSS, Berwick, and Shire. 

  6. The Colts teams have increased gates, but not as much as Linlithgow, Pollok, Talbot etc would do if/when they come into the LL.

    2-up 2-down (minimum) is far better for the sustainability of the LL than the Colts being in the league. Boot them out, and give two more places next season to current tier 6 sides.

  7. Anybody can wander around Peebles Rovers' Whitestone Park - it's in the middle of a public park, and is not separated off by a fence. I was there just last week, and quite a few dog walkers stopped by for five minutes and then continued on their walk. At another point, some cyclists came along the river oath, saw that there was a batch on, and came over to gave a look for a few minutes. There was a trestle table on one of the paths leading into the park with someone collecting entrance fees, but most of the 150 or so in attendance came into the park via the main gates - not where the trestle table was - and just walked over to the pitch without paying to get in. 


    There's no way that Glenrothes Strollers' ground is more open that. 

  8. 23 hours ago, Robert James said:

    Above post from 13th March. Question :

    Have both the 2 NEW teams listed in the proposed 2019/20 South Premier above (subsequently) applied to join the Juniors, and if so, what are their names and where are their home grounds ?


    One amateur team from Linlithgow (although they are moving to Bo'ness) has announced that they are applying for membership. 

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