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Posts posted by brokeville

  1. We are absolutely stinking. Cove didn’t get out of first gear in that second half and still could’ve got a few more whilst our only shot on target was Keena effort from 40 yards.

    No idea what Grainger’s tactics were supposed to be at any point today he ended up just throwing strikers in to no effect whatsoever. Even if Rennie can’t start on Monday he still needs punted. So many players in our squad that I fucking hate and can’t wait to see the back of.

    Any idea why Logan got sent off? It was just absolutely bizarre.

    Logan basically put 3 fingers up to the Falkirk fans in response to a comment. I guess the Lino thought he saw something else[emoji4]
  2. There’s no way the new board won’t be involved in the new managers appointment. Anyone who thinks Gary Holt will make the appointment is well off the mark. The people who will be running the club have invested their own money and that makes a huge difference on the governance of our club from tomorrow. It’s exactly what we need.

  3. Every week I wonder if it can get any worse and every week it does. This is without doubt the worst state our club has ever been in. GD has been a complete and utter disaster as chairman and will walk away on the 6th December as if nothing has happened. KJ and co will be left to clear up the mess. I sincerely hope they are brave enough right from the beginning to make the big decisions. This just cannot be allowed to continue.

  4. All to become clear at the AGM?

    We have been working behind the scenes over the last few months to put in place
    the final pieces of a new and exciting ownership and governance structure that you will hear more about at
    the AGM. I hope this will provide an opportunity to build a successful future for the club that we all love.


    So, it’s nearly three weeks since this incident took place. Every bit of counsel I have taken since then stops me before I am half way through with the same word…..untenable. Nothing has happened, so here I am.

    A member of the Board of FFC didn’t care for my dim view of their performance in what was their specialist field. This was based entirely on my having a go at his performance on the anonymous football forum we know as Pie and Bovril, and I also stated that the company he worked for was seriously small beer.


    He tried the spin of claiming my criticism was on “social media” which kind of infers what most people relate to as being FB, Instagram, Twitter and the likes. I don’t hold an account on any of those.


    So, his course of action might reasonably have been to join P&B and maybe have a pop back, or just suck it up as being pretty damn close to the truth. That is not what he did.


    No, this Board member of FFC took a different path. He sent an abusive text. It’s what a communications specialist would do, right? Nah, I didn’t think so either.


    That act alone should have been enough to see him step down immediately in order not to bring further shame  on the Board of FFC. He didn’t do that though.


    Thing is, sending me an abusive text message didn’t happen. 


    That person didn’t send the text to me. That person sent it to my son…………he sent an abusive text about a father to his son. He dragged my son into his world of horrendously bad judgement and wholly questionable temperament.


    So, now you have two people absolutely raging. The FFC Director claimed he was “angry” when he sent it. His anger registered nowhere near the anger that I and my son both felt, but hey, we didn’t send him abusive texts in return. I suppose we both exercised restraint and common sense and a bit of judgement in not acting as he did.


    I wrote to every Board member, and Mr Deans responded on behalf of the Board saying that he was concerned by the complaint I had outlined. He wanted to meet at the stadium to discuss the matter. I declined. 


    I fully accepted that he did not want to commit anything to email, whereas I wanted nothing verbal that could be spun or re-interpreted. My complaint was not an outline…..it was fully formed with the evidence to back it up.


    To crank it up even further, this person then went back to WhatsApp, and deleted the message in the hope of destroying the evidence. As my son put it “he clearly doesn’t understand how the internet works”.


    So has this person taken the only reasonable course open to him and resigned from the Board? Sadly, no. That person is still there. 


    For me, that is yet another stunning manifestation of his highly questionable judgement.

    If he had made the choice to do the honourable thing and stood down immediately, I would not have put this into the public domain, but it seems potential damage to his reputation is a price he used prepared to pay in order to cling on. 


    This person might see themselves as a communications expert, but it seems action and consequence simply doesn’t appear on their particular radar.


    Things are going from bad to worse. There can only be one outcome after this.
  6. There’s some element of truth in the Daily Mail article. We have over the last few years haemorrhaged cash which we had. Mostly because of paying off contracts etc. The mismanagement by the board has been shocking. The problem a new board will have is that without investment we have no cash reserves. The next board appointments are absolutely crucial to the existence of the club. Given the recent changes I’d be more worried about who will make the appointments.

  7. You are spot on. Unfortunately the support is full of people who will put up with any old shite to get out on a Saturday afternoon. The days when the fans would join as one to give the bod pelters have long since gone and as soon as deans opens his mouth and gives the usual it'll be different this season I promise speech, they can't get their cash out quick enough and then seem surprised when the season is just as stinking as the last one. Meanwhile the club continues to plummet into oblivion getting worse season after season. It's a scary thought but will we actually have a club to support in a few seasons time?

    Really, what a ridiculous generalisation.
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