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Leah's dad

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Posts posted by Leah's dad

  1. 15 minutes ago, GIRUU said:

    You really are a twat. You don’t know either of them well but because they are not you they are clowns. Neither you nor I know what’s happening behind the scenes. 

    You cannot wait for the club to fall. The rest of us will just keep supporting the club and you can just fanny away to whichever isn’t taking you 💩.

    You must know the guy to know his full name but you must not know him that well if you don’t know his history in football. But then again you probably know his wages as well as all the players.

    You would be happy to help out with the club? The club you keep bringing down?

    I thought you were deluded before but man that just made my day! 

    I hope I am wrong because I want the club to succeed. Have you read your own posts? What a load of 💩.

    Facts? Everyone’s told you your capacity figures are rubbish but you don’t believe anyone. Even the ones that don’t like JG have said you talking 💩. They wouldn’t need to apply for temporary increase if they already have 2200. Idiot.

    The club needs to be open to all? 

    Unless I’m reading something different to you, is that not exactly what is happening in the summer. Club becoming community based, AGM, season tickets holders to vote for a committee.

    But obviously you won’t be there so it’s irrelevant. No season ticket, no vote. You can feck off because the club doesn’t need you and we will just keep supporting the team and you keep dragging it down.

    Have you ever consider that maybe YOU don’t know what you are doing because you clearly have no idea of life. It could have been anybody coming in after JG and you still wouldn’t  like them because they are not you.

    At least other members are seeing through your 💩 and call you to be told by you that you know their wages, background, finances, and players. You know feck all and I hope the committee see this and just tell you to take your poison and get tae.


    Does anyone know who rhubarb is ? 

  2. 5 hours ago, rhubarb1974 said:

    I take it the "Ticket Only" situation is a way of bribing people into the lottery. Or are the club trying to cash in on a second leg which if hypothetically let's say Talbot won which I don't see happening 5-0 in first leg and the second leg is over before it starts, if tickets already bought then they make the money they wouldn't have. 


    I still think this will be a last attempt from JG to screw over Talbot, sell tickets and then only pay per person through turnstile. Anyone not making the game is 100% money to Darvel and not split between Talbot and the SJFA. 


    What is the official capacity, I know the capacity for Aberdeen game was higher as temporary license was granted based on having additional terracing, toilets etc...in place at that game which I can only assume won't be in place this time.  

    f**k me rhubarb, take a day off 

  3. 15 hours ago, allyg1977 said:

    First leg won't be close talbot 4-0 saying it now has for the 2nd leg will the glory hunters come out like they did for Aberdeen game  doubt it the home  fan base has dwindled since that game where has talbot have a strong support for any game plus do talbot want to put the game to bed at home oh yes we do we have never been beaten in the semi finals we know what to do and so do some darvel players funny enough but let's hope this is all about the teams and nothing else and not certain people involved with Darvel just now or before 

    ,,,,,,,,,,,, and ………..

  4. 1 hour ago, Ceejayar said:

    I thought Rhubarb was a died in the wool Darvel fan from many years ago the way he goes on but he’s miles out on committee members, you are correct in saying we came on board when JG asked us, the old guard that kept the club afloat were the old boys in Neil McPhersons era. I do think he has some knowledge of what’s going on and he must have a bit of knowledge about our level of football but as I said it’s doubtful he’s a Darvel fan of 20-30 years, he’s been asked questions about teams gone bye and he’s yet to answer. For what it’s worth we have no idea who the guy is and he won’t tell us, I know you think that will be rubbish but It’s not.

    Jim is almost offering reward money for rhubarbs identity 😂

  5. 1 hour ago, ClubFan87 said:

    I said it a few post previous, all the good work done previously by the old committee has been outdone by the way they have and still are acting, dragging the clubs name through the dirt and bringing it down at every chance they get. You all have done more damage than good. All because you lot are bitter and not involved anymore…..

    Who is rhubarb ? 

  6. On 05/12/2023 at 21:16, Rhubarb-74 said:

    I believe most teams align themselves in a pathway, I dare say clubs appeal might not be as much If not part of pathway.  I personally think it should be the same name all way down so there is clear identity.  

    im not overly familiar with youth football other than taking in the odd Darvel 20s game when they play doon the brae, I think other clubs will have more established pathways in particular clubs with own facilities the Darvel/Galston pathway is fairly new.  

    It can’t be the same name at all age levels as Darvel don’t have any teams at younger age group , Galston boys club have been on the go for decades . 

  7. 21 minutes ago, Rhubarb-74 said:

    I hate to agree but I can’t deny that.  

    We have one of the lowest attendances in league in terms of home support, our away support is almost none existent sadly.  I am not blinkered like other about the level can go to, as a club that has very little silverware or have even been viewed as a “big junior team” that makes it very difficult to progress in a sustainable manner through the pyramid scheme.   

    unless we have a guarantee for decades to come of someone issuing blank cheques then I think we need to get real.  Bring youth through, use the local boys. Scrap these stupid signings and big wages, that is not what this level is about.    

    I think better links to the boys club and getting all the younger boys along to the game.  I personally think they should be set up as Darvel youth not Galston as I don’t see merit in it being attached to Galston any longer.  

    It could be asked what’s in it for Galston boys club who train and nurture these boys from 5 years old just for them to become Darvel at 16 or whatever it is ? If it wasn’t for Galston there would be no Darvel boys teams . 

  8. 44 minutes ago, fieldsofdreams said:

    Not sure what I have said that hasn't came true. When you have been involved in this level as long as I have you have contacts everywhere. 


    I have always said I had no issue with Darvel, it has been the action of certain individuals that have brought the club down. I believe Darvel have a lot of good people involved you just need to rid it of the ugliness. 


    Said months ago about the money issue.  Truth. 


    Said before common knowledge of players leaving, ironically not the ones coming to Talbot as I had been on holiday when that was happening.  Truth. 


    The requirement for 20s to play up. Truth


    The cutting of wages. Truth. 


    Players about to depart. Truth. 


    I was never fortunate of good enough for that matter to play for Talbot, however I played long enough at various Junior sides to know people no matter what ground I go to, I am well informed and don't post anything I don't think is incorrect. 


    I have also never slated MK as as far as I am concerned he was good for the club, yes I think a bit over the top but on the whole conducted himself well, plenty of rumours circulating about MK however unless I am told from a reliable source I wouldn't comment on them. I have never commented on money he put into the club for the simple fact I can't confirm it. Tony on the other hand I have had many an argument with over the years and certainly wouldn't want him involved in my club. 


    Have a good day


    I think he was referring to your accusation about trinity park ? 

  9. 7 minutes ago, allyg1977 said:

    How can no other team beat a Aberdeen u played them when they were their lowest if ur honest if u forgot talbot nearly beat Hearts only for a offside decision that wasn't we have beat a high flying Ayr utd and oh we beat Hamilton who were in the Premier league just a few months before any team can beat anyone oh and our club have won more than Darvel will ever win and that's without spending stupid money and we have 1 of the best stadiums and how did we do it easy respect ur fans respect ur club and respect the players but overall respect everyone 


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