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Everything posted by 101

  1. I know times are tough but reselling the commentary as some kind of late night TV film with the heavy breathing doesn't seem like the best idea in the world
  2. I use it for streaming seems be the most stable.
  3. Intuitive kit, wtf. Also swapping ends seems bizarre when the sun isn't on the box.
  4. I could have sworn you were on here not long ago saying travel abroad was banned, you make it sound like sky shouldn't be "shaming" them. If anything they should be shaming the UKg for insufficient border staff and the airport to poor protocol. He is flying back from covering the inauguration I would presume. There are about 100 reasons for people to travel it's not the people causing the problem it's the institutions.
  5. If I live to see this happen the last thing I do before killing myself will be to hunt you down and hand you to Janey myself to be her companion.
  6. I doubt it will be illegal to travel the mass gathering at Trafalgar Square normally has enough soap in it to mean it's the cleanest place in London. I agree but I don't think personal responsibility is actually that good a phrase or an idea when it comes to something that will do very little to most people. Maybe personal responsibility and govt advice on high risk groups but I can't see personal responsibility working if the vaccine isn't the golden bullet. For instance if I tested positive of Covid and went to see my pals, all in their early 20s it is of course my choice and I have weighted up the decision but I don't think it's the safe decision or the one I would make and I'm not sure enough people would sit at home for 10 days whilst it, hopefully, passed.
  7. He was upset by the state when he is the reason we are stuck with the shit show dragging us behind.
  8. I will probably be going to London regardless even if it's just a booze up in our rented house.
  9. Including liability? If so I wouldn't be comfortable with that as it would likely end in a lot of civil prosecutions my friend who died of Covid could probably have easily identified the person who gave him Covid but I think it's more bad luck that it proved fatal rather than someone's fault as they could be bankrupt by his loss of earnings.
  10. Deffo Wid. A lot of folk talking "Bill Gates" "Long term side effects" "fertility" utter bollocks the lot of them.
  11. Round the lot of them up and lock then away for their own safety.
  12. I don't see why outdoor events events couldn't be allowed maybe they could use rapid flow tests on arrival for an extra bit of piece of mind. The cases must be lower than at the same time Cheltenham was allowed to go ahead which apparently was the "right decision"
  13. 9 land borders seems like a tough ask to get to Zero Covid. Will be interesting if her sympathetic view turns into reality.
  14. Good point of what's the point of public compliance is low ruined by the fact she seems to be out and about every day of the week. Shops and folk driving really are not great indicators of rules being broken or followed as for groups outdoors, it's the lowest risk place for them.
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