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Everything posted by 101

  1. Of course they do, I said it was baffling, not wrong. If you actually engaged and explained why you enjoy commuting then perhaps you would find the forum more useful. Again you are leaping from conclusion to conclusion. If you are pro wet markets please tell me why they are such a good thing? Why should animals be kept in such conditions? Why should rare animals be slaughtered for food? Why should public health hazards not face scrutiny in a post Covid world? Why shouldn't we look at producing meat without animal slaughter?
  2. The clamour to get back into 5 days a week commuting is baffling. As for wet markets: ETA, if you want inequalities to rumble on Marshy away and join the mad Tories down south.
  3. But I would assume you never saw such rapid change and across all sectors. It's time to take just about everything we did before the pandemic hold it up and say was this really the best way to do things. It's time to ramp up change not slow it down.
  4. Why not say that then? I have seen a lot of people on here and in the press say they want life to "go back to how it was" which is utterly baffling.
  5. I agree the clamour to return to how things were is odd. The world has changed and using 2019 as a yard stick will disappoint a lot of people. Why would anyone want to go back to working in an office or set hours even people who have been furloughed might think they can get by working 4 days a week giving them much more time to enjoy life. Let's not go back to how things were we need to go forward clean up wet markets, ramp up lab produced meat, tackle inequalities, fund the NHS and generally make sure that when the next pandemic hits we are better prepared whilst reducing the chances of it happening.
  6. Do you need a PA/ Valet? £40k would cover my services think of me as a regular Jeeves but with excellent taste in ties.
  7. I saw reports that quite a large chunk of Palestinians wouldn't take vaccines directly from Israel. Also good luck trying to get things back to normal when you have 5 million people nearly a 3rd unvaccinated living in unsanitary conditions with regular visits from Israeli troops. It will be good to see just how much protection the vaccine gives you as troops going in and out of the camps will be exposed to the virus.
  8. You could spin family visitation as an essential reason to travel especially if it was causing mental ill health. Both virus suppression and mental health can be addressed at the same time obviously not difficult cases, but things like seeing family you have to apply some common sense. It's the mental health of people who will never see their family members again and are suffering and put in a queue for an underfunded and understaffed service that I think will be under most strain in 2021 should this last much longer.
  9. I'm sure he's an alias. Haha brilliant, an alias for who.
  10. Didn't mean to quote you sorry neebs That's his choice. Clearly doesn't think there will be a travel ban in the summer and then it's just if folk can be arsed quarantining when they get there or whatever.
  11. Yeh stupid to bite I have followed Limmy's advice "block and move on"
  12. Utter nonsense. You have based that on absolutely nothing she has never held office above MSP and even then she dodges her constituents. She is as equipped at being first minister as I am during what is probably the hardest time to lead a country. I wish Baroness Davidson would slink off to Westminster she has no currency in public political scrutiny and is depriving Scotland or an legitimate and competent opposition.
  13. Aye right enough. Davidson is such a smooth operator she is unlikely to up sticks to don an ermine robe away from any further democratic scrutiny. Oh wait.
  14. Does anyone know if you sign up now and plan to withdraw the fund in full on my 60th Birthday can I plan my life around that can could they change it? I'm 23 but there is not a chance I will be working until state retirement age and my workplace pension is tied to the state pension rather than a specific age which means I can't really plan.
  15. I would hope they would comply but would be dubious. The risk is low now who knows how long that lasts. The system works public compliance which is a separate entity and worrying hasn't been in step has been lacking. The Government should have done more to support compliance. Until we know exactly how good the vaccine is and for how long it would be reckless not to keep an eye on it's spread. I hanker for those halycyon days.
  16. I agree the people of England should be particularly concerned, if you and your English tax payers wish to continue throwing money at call centers then by all means go for it. The Scottish system seems to be somewhat more effective although falls at the final hurdle of people not typing the code into the app.
  17. Some people pay to come here and are then enslaved others dont. You can learn about it here: https://www.nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/what-we-do/crime-threats/drug-trafficking
  18. I don't think social distancing will last forever and have never said as much. I think the system of contact tracers should remain to stop vaccine refusers having an effect on the rest of us.
  19. That's usually the problem but I found myself thinking "I could do that" after a couple did up an olive farm for 16k It was but could you imagine hearing your phone ring from the bottom of the tower.
  20. Those folk must not and will not be pandered too. Religious refusal is an acceptance of the situation. Medical unsuitability again will be tiny. Anti Vaxx will be the vast majority of the 20% and they can GTF. A bit like vegetarianism that's a lifestyle choice. I agree we should pander to then but must identify and keep a close watch on the risk that they generate. There are people who deliberately get aids, it's an extremely small sub section of society but if it got bigger despite it not being an issue for most people it would need to be kept under close watch due to the broader risk to society.
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