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Everything posted by 101

  1. Why are they letting them on ? It's clear that Trump supporters were committing domestic terror last night. I doubt you would have been allowed on to the Vine show blowing the trumpet for the nutter who killed Jo Cox and rightly so.
  2. It's crazy to think all round the world check points were set up like in Australia to stop people moving from place to place but because Boris doesn't want to be seen to bow to the SNP he won't set up check points. It would fund it's self but rounding up some arch Yoons and filming their reaction.
  3. Proof that the NHS management heavy structure couldn't run a bath. Seriously if the demand is getting through but the NHS can't organise folk to jab them then the chief execs should be punted and let someone else in to run it.
  4. Hopefully by the next global pandemic we will be in total control of our own affairs and can actually do something about the borders.
  5. Reddit and 4chan had one jobs after that girl was shot and that was to stop her becoming a martyr. It's already too late.
  6. First in line to get lifted, he should have got huckled there and then how can the police turn a blind eye to it. I guess it's because he's white. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/federal-agents-monitored-facebook-arrest-protesters-inciting-riots-court-records-n1231531
  7. I would hope that Reddit, Facebook and Twitter all come under serious scrutiny after tonight especially regarding extremist material. The horse has gone but it's now time we educate young people about being radicalised by the right. It's very clearly a threat in America and here. Andrew Neil, Micheal Give, Boris Johnston, Nigel Farage, Jacob Reece Mogg should all be remembered as champions of terrorist Donald Trump, they have been giving him legitimacy in the UK and now should be deeply ashamed and shuffle off from public life. However I assume they will quietly condemn what going on despite being the ones who got us here.
  8. To think May is actually a sweetheart compared to him
  9. I think every polis man is in the Capitol It's exactly as Trump wanted, he can never be allowed back into the UK ever again.
  10. Tbh one they probably don't read a Scottish football forum and two if she believed in her convictions so much to point a gun through into the debating chamber of a democratic state then her family probably left her long ago sadly the conspiracies that these people get tangled up in claim their lives long before a bullet finds them.
  11. Hopefully we ban him permanently from UK soil. He has lost elected Republicans but has turned the armed nutter moon howlers up to 11.
  12. Steady. A large chunk are morbidly obese or worse
  13. Just saw the video if you point a gun through a door leading to a couple of heavily armed men then I guess you get what you expect.
  14. Light touch policing is what I would like to see most of the time but considering the extremely harsh hand of the law black people receive, especially in America it's difficult to argue.
  15. Trump pouring petrol on the fire before trying to stamp it out
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