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Everything posted by 101

  1. At no point would I have brought on Muirhead today and Beadling is injured, Robinson is a weird one but then again I wouldn't play him in the centre half position Morrison as on the bench for cover there. Favourites to go down is awful chat the ball is still in our court, we played well today especially in the first half against a team with far better financial resources, the games with teams round about us will decide this fight at the bottom and Alloa aside our record is pretty good against them, lets no lose the head yet, get behind the boys on the pitch and get us up the league.
  2. Yes I can confirm there was McDonalds as after they finished each item they threw the empty wrappers on the seats opposite them. Also I was sat next to a very heavy smoker and now my coat stinks
  3. On the train home and sitting across the aisle is a couple with McDonalds tray and glass glasses of coke. Unreal!
  4. If it it goes wrong then just fold honestly youll never have a better chance to get back up
  5. play offs?? That squad will win the league at a canter
  6. Above all our expensive operations have cost us dear this season but I dont think there is any other option and its complete luck of the draw. Our squad looked pretty good at the start of the season and if our good run in the league cup and against Dundee United had been sustained by not having 8 operations then we might have been in a better place or had some cash to rectify the situation.
  7. Lewis Allan Sorell Chemin is coming back, you hear it here first
  8. 101

    The Walking Dead

    Spoilers - if you aren't avoiding the thread before watching it. I hadn't been fussed about this most recent season of the walking dead but decided to give it a watch and I was pleasantly surprised! I actually thought I had missed an episode or 10 when Judith appeared gun in hand but I was a little more annoyed that it looks like we won't be seeing where the helicopters are coming from, the oil refinery that's clearly still open or what A/B means (I would guess A is someone who is keen to help a B is someone captured?). The people who are using sign language look like just another bunch of folk on the road however the humans who are dressing up as walkers and commanding them look really interesting so looking forward to seeing more of them. I think Carols son getting pished is like us trying to get back to a 'normal' life and like others have said the old Neagan is dead, I think he will help run the show with Michone. Finally it was so nice to see Hershel again when Rick was on his way back to camp
  9. Did they actually spin it that way? If so give that marketing department a medal! Anyone who bought the lottery tickets should have boycotted for probably 2 weeks and mysteriously they would have found the odds back to normal, that is to say highly unlikely rather than verging on impossible.
  10. once its been x-rayed they should be able to tell you on the face of it what the chances of it not just coming out are. I had mine done when I was 20 befroe the routs set in properly which also helped
  11. I had a full general for my wisdom teeth (lower) as they have bigger roots and are very close to the nerve in your lower lip. The procudure was fine but after it I looked like desperate Dan and I had bruises on my face where the folk operating had held my face/ jaw open with obviously quite a lot of force. If you were getting your top wisdom teeth out then you probably dont need a general but I would opt for it just in case
  12. I must've missed that one! Sadly its not on Netflix but this is it -
  13. When they build the Caterham faster than the stig driving one up from the factory.
  14. This is turning out to be a decent series, if the rest of the episodes are as good as the first three then it will be a treat, the episode when the car parts are air dropped looks good, but will never beat them in Knockhill.
  15. I thought the guy we had up at the start of the season looked pretty handy, don't know if it ever came out who he was but looked a tidy finished. I do love an unknown player from the continent. Moroccan Prince up front with the Prague Prince and King Craw on the touch line
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