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Everything posted by 101

  1. Appologies 5 for Wednesday Im being unusually consitent this week. Welcome @Adamski your parents have good taste obviously.
  2. Ill be moist but crying if Faiss "nat turns" nat and then slots it away.
  3. El bak running past Nat and scoring from about 40 yards will be glorious and upsetting at the same time
  4. Thats what I was told by the doctor Erm Yes I heard that too! As for that guy how has he avoided the nick. Just following people around is utterly creepy
  5. Much more at ease with after watching Ross' video, an advisory role developing the football side of the business is a good plan and pretty much means there is no chance of him lining his pockets with transfer fees
  6. When it says rolling contract is it Month to Month, Quarter to Quarter or Year to Year? Also Jackie Mac agency doing our scouting I assume. Fairly happy with that especailly with Greg coming in he should be able to sort our defense out and I think not having a defending in the coaching squad hasnt helped these last few months
  7. Allan Johnston the highlights reel: It wasn’t all doom and gloom with AJ but let’s hope we get some of these performances back at East End Park again!!!!
  8. Are you bringing this in this week or next week? Because any change in the terms of the quiz should be made 7 days in adnvce otherwise my legal representatives will be contacted. Anyway 6 for Thursday
  9. I would think there are far better options out there than Craig Brewster, if him and Crawford hadn't played together that rumour wouldn't have surfaced.
  10. Totally agree - He pretty much overhauled our entire sports science and conditioning facilities from the cutting edge of JJ before him. Hope he does well in his next job.
  11. David Moyes is a shoe in if not him then Darren Young
  12. pish - Depending on what his wage is I would hope that next season he is consigned to the bench by the free scoring Smith/ Ryan / A.N.Other.
  13. I'm 70% sure it was one year with an optional extension
  14. If AJ was to go ( I doubt it) I was be annoyed if Davie Moyes(Everton, Man United, Sunderland, West Ham) wasn't given it till the end of the season
  15. 3 for Tuesday as well fs for the avoidance of doubt I got the bonus point, amazing that the old folk got it to be honest.
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