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Everything posted by 101

  1. the SLO would be the one to use - I dont have it handy but should be on the website, let me know if you cant find it
  2. Totally agree ,I was buzzing after that game I thought we were in for such a good season. Dundee United are more dangerous undoubtedly going forward however I would point out that they have lost exactly the same ammount of goals as Alloa (29) which is 2 less than we have conceeded this season. If we have a real go we can beat them, if I was in the United dug out I would try and get Moshni in he really shored up their defence last season. If we went 2-0 I would hope we have learnt from our mistakes against alloa and at least keep the momentum with us. I would argue that constant communitcation with the club is vital our views are important to Dunfermline AFC progressing, competing and winning. We see things from a differant veiw than the board or the managment, none of us (to the best of my knowledge) are involved in the day to day running of the football club but we are still as passionate for this club as the board, we need to tell them what we think not just of the manager but of the ticket prices the stock in the shop and how clean the stadium is, now there are already forums in place for this dialogue but between times when we feel things arent going as well as we would hope then I think its more than fair to write to the board of our club to express your opinion. Great you are a witness to the incident but I wasnst so I cant make any comment but at the end of the day the club has a duty to its employees and to the supporters Im sure its a difficult path to tread at times and for me its an unenviable job.
  3. Youve formed this oppinion based on the fact our last 2 performaces there have been decent? Dundee United lost to Alloa the other week and we got a draw. If there is one this we have learnt this season is that no one has any idea what is going to happen week to week. We have played really well in a handful of games and been utterly abject in others most of the time being completly meh. I sympathise that you feel AJ has lost the passion you have for Dunfermline however I would say that who ever is in charge gets my backing for the 90mins during the match (It was much more of a chore when Potter was in charge), the board just now know (I assume) how disapointing this season has been maybe writing to them about how you feel might be a good move, you clearly feel passionatly and they would respond undoubtedly. They way we played in the first half vs Alloa was good nice high tempo bags of confidence - I dont know what went on in the second half if it was the players failing to delvier of Allan changing the tactics however until he is sacked or his contract expires I'll hope with everything crossed that he can get us into the play offs and maybe make a go of it! If we went out the cup and looked in danger of going down then I do think the board would act but is it the responsible thing to do to sack someone based on ifs just so that you get a new manager in during the trasnfer window? I would argue not
  4. nope but I see their front pages which are just stock articles. Weather!!! The Queen!!! Taxes!!!! I find it quite odd seeing as the weather articles are usually rubbish, the queen is the only forgiven person they don't hold a suspicion off and they themselves don't pay their taxes here in Britain. As for the sun who make shock articles now and then put the changes in their corrections section later on. As for their page three, Hillsborough, phone hacking, bandwagon jumping and obsession for the old firm, then I personally can't see any reason to buy the paper. But like I say its a free county buy what you like however I often think that the mail in particular takes free speech right to the edge of hate crimes. Back to off the ball I guess ... Im sure Stuart wrote an article in the National saying he gets £800 a week to do the show (not sure if that included other appearances on the BBC or not) seems like quite a good gig
  5. Fair enough but in terms of journalism both of those print editions have less actual journalism in them that off the ball which is really impressive.
  6. Each to their own and all that, at least its not the mail!
  7. Yass that's the old guard adding a bit of bite now! Hope you've got double glazing this winter might finnish you off* * its actually been incredibly mild but whatever
  8. Seeing as no-one else has waded in to help. I think it will probably be more than a pound, probably less hassle to move house (you could move into Ibrox for a pound)
  9. Thank god Richard Gordon nipped the FA cup chat in the bud, to be honest I don't know why he even gave the scores out? But glad he stopped Alan and Willie discussing Cardiff's laughable result
  10. no need for that kind of behaviour in the league, we have to live here the cup is just a fling, I've got a good mind to report you to the blazers. ohh wait. 6 for Wednesday
  11. Not enough anamosity in this cup comp @die hard doonhamer roond ye the young team are here now mon the YPBQT (Young Pie and Bovril Quiz Team) eh!! Im now fully addorned in burbery
  12. Do Falkirk now have enough people to make their pre match displays work?
  13. It needs to be drank the day you open it, or thats what I told everyone anyway.
  14. Yes 600ml is better than 500ml* *only where Irn Bru isn't available.
  15. I thought he sounded hoarse at the start of the show, I wonder if his team had been beaten? Much prefer when they don't have folk who do the lunch time shows in and have one off guests who are interesting and sometimes even articulate.
  16. Heard about that, he was sat surrounded by Falkirk fans who were cheering, where do they find these guys?
  17. Ours costs around 250k a on average season but that included relaying and maintaining the turf which obviously you don't have to do as often or as intensively and we still turned a profit so its more than achievable with the right structure in place.
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