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Everything posted by 101

  1. points deduction is fair to fair - Paul Hartley to return on a 2 year deal sounds better
  2. I missed that Geggan story at the time, what a man . The club has been saved for better things turning profits and hopefully in the near future some success on the pitch as well.
  3. The weather wasnt condusive to football. I dont think 0-0 was a suprise to anyone.
  4. "Dundee United condemns all forms of racism and no racist behaviour will be tolerated within the Club. " That is on the website and yet you still didn't can Robson, the boy is utterly hopeless I would have thought Neilson would be desperate to offload him, his diversity training won't teach him anything as he need training on how not to be a fanny.
  5. Did you really think a 0-0 draw in awful weather against an ok Queens team was the match that AJ would get sacked? As for him being a "Fraud" I don't think he has ever claimed to be anything more than a manager at this level. Every team doesn't punt their manager after terrible runs for good or for bad. Anyway have a nice night its nearly Christmas 0-0 today was far better than last weeks result, lets hope for some kind of shock result against Ayr.
  6. and you didn't tell them to get the bags lifted? or ask to see the tickets for the bags?
  7. I had 11 pints of T in Mathers in the west end on Friday for my leaving do, every single pint was magnificenT
  8. I think he probably got the bollocking of the centuary from Ray at the time of the last incident and he was young but it’s clear that rather than immature he’s a compete roaster of a boy. United will be better off without him, Fyivie made a pretty good statement during the Show Racism the red card event I would expect it to be an awkward dressing room when he come in to hand back his stuff.
  9. Sorry spent the tail end of last week pished. 6 to start the week. looking forward to the Christmas Quiz. As a 21 year old the Angel Pie meant nothing to me, but I did have an excellent Steak Pie in Mathers on Friday
  10. I thought there was agreement that .net is awful for any kind of insightful posts. As you posted the link I thought I would have a look at what they are discussing - Currently toying with the idea of getting a new stadium, great. There are about 5 posters on there that are decent.
  11. Yes until the end of the season. Great player and will only get better!
  12. Hopefully today will get our season back on track. I thought Thomson was brilliant today.
  13. People who interchange England and Britain as if it’s the same thing.
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