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Everything posted by 101

  1. It was someone who knew him that wanted his name put up on here, I said that nothing that was said last night would ever be considered sufficient of a banning order, however, I did feel it was immature to shrug the whole thing off by saying if you don't like it don't sit in the NW as that attitude should be left back in the 50's. if the guy who a few posters seem to know on here does go along with his family than that's great I'm sure he puts plenty money into the club and has followed us through plenty of barron times and I'm glad he and everyone else came along last night however, I felt there were a few people who probably weren't at the meeting need to realise how serious consequences of the chants could be. The guy who spoke up and said if the crowd joined in with the Dunfermline songs then the offensive chant would die out which was spot on. I'm not sure how helpful it is to label any bus as a casual bus which I assume you refer to the lizzie, we are all just folk on a day out for a good laugh and a pars win there has been very little trouble from our fans to warrant the "casual" label. By permitting homophobic chanting you endorse it, we all have a stake in cutting out this rubbish.
  2. He's pretty well known so I don't know why we don't just ban him he was raging at the suggestion that any chant wasn't allowed. I, on the other hand, hate a scoreboard something about it really annoys me as football never produces a score large enough to forget although a clock would be useful. Safe Standing will be a goer but as a long-term project I think it would be in the NW but perhaps a section at a time I hope it happens in the next 5 years but that may be ambitious.
  3. Quick update as promised: Main topic of conversation and the most heated as people complaining about the homophobic chanting at the recent match the board said the police had had no complaints but would review the match to try and take action, Ross reiterated what was said earlier in the season that Dunfermline "would never support" colt teams and that a number of things the SFA or the SPFL had tried to push through or have pushed through have been done exceptionally poorly which I think we already knew that tbh. I was going to ask but someone jumped in front of me Also kudos to the Morton chairman who went in and sat with the Morton fans the ensure that there were no chants or singing about Dean Sheilds and I don't think the club was willing to comment on the other matches played in January but did mention that there was crowd trouble in the away end at both matches. Allan Johnstone has been setting up links with 5 teams in England with a view to set up strong links for loan players either in this window or certainly in the summer window, no teams were mentioned however as we have played both Newcastle and Sunderland this season already I don't think anyone would be surprised if we were linking with them. The catering in Charlie D's and legends was brought up and the club at considering winding down the food sales at the income is marginal however they were talking about bringing in a hot plate into Charlie D's to stop the need to the door which joins the two bars being open and stewarded. 'Safe' standing or rail seating is actively being looked at by a steering group and the club are happy to support it in its early stages however may not be able to stump up the funds which would require more fundraising and the group weren't happy to be fundraising at the same time as the lift fund as they felt that was more important to the club, at this time. I asked if the club ha looked into offering discounted tickets for Premiership clubs season ticket holders on their winter break and said the SPFL had asked championship clubs to offer free tickets for U12's (which we already do) however the SPFL only advertised this minimally and only a few weeks before instead of having it in every premiership teams programme . Over the next 2 years, the floodlights will be renovated and a scoreboard will be installed at EEP as part of us hosting the Ladies European Championship (or some other women's football tournament) Also soon we will be shooting the pigeons that live at EEP (yes that really was discussed) Think I have summarised about everything it was a good turnout tonight and some lively discussion, safe to say the folk who moan the most were nowhere to been seen and as I come away from every meeting with Ross I get the feeling the club is in a better place than the last time I heard him speak. [emoji4]
  4. Yeh will try and give a brief rundown of how it goes I'm going to ask if there has been any change of thought about Colt teams
  5. Somehow I burnt out my windscreen washer pump and the fuse went (i tried that first) and i was quoted £80 for a new one including labour are they having me on because they are decent guys at my local garage but it seems steep. Still trying to figure out how I burnt out its motor
  6. All confirmed Craigen is here until the end of the season
  7. Trying to think that player a lot of SPFL teams have been chasing, Im pretty sure it’s Craigen, why anyone else would be interested is beyond me unless he starts his first interview by saying it’s nice to play at a ground where the fans can be on all sides
  8. CM for sure maybe even two guys coming in and a RB because if Hibs are even half interested then I would snap their hand off for cash and a sell on fee. I think Ryan has ran his course for the pars this season however his final ball has greatly improved but he is often found wanting defensively, I just can't see him improving much more while with us and I think a move might be the best thing for him.
  9. Technically your wrong as the police didn't ask it to be shut but said that if preventive measures were not taken for this season then every match would have a police presence at significant cost, the board then shut the section closest to the divide in the stand and moved those who wish to sing into a larger section to avoid overcrowding, that said I don't think anyone can possibly be outraged at this decision as it has probably saved the club at least 100k. The only people I have come across who have any problem with Ross are people who admit they haven't spoken to him to air their grievances and just like a good moan.
  10. I think Ryan and Smith are ahead of Aird in a 4-3-3 but we don't see training obv
  11. dont think Cardle is really playing as a winger him, clark and mcmanus are like wide forwards with one going wide and one going forward
  12. Cardle is suspended after Saturday so no doubt him or smith will be coming in for Jo. In other tenuous links to Fraser Aird transfers he put on his instagram what he wanted to share a pitch again with someone called Lewis MacLeod who was are Rangers at the same time so either this Lewis is coming in or Aird is going to join him wherever that is
  13. He surely can’t be in a very good place mentally if that’s what he thinks, it’s pretty sad really that these roasters are still roaming in 2018.
  14. Everyone condemning the Falkirk fans on here but you think the minority of Falkirk fans should get away with it. However it won’t be the club looking over the CCTV it will be the police as I suspect the tapes will be seized as the Falkirk fans have broken quite a few laws here. I didn’t think anyone would be supporting the small number of idiots but you’re something special eh!
  15. Haha hope we steer well clear as Shields is often found hiding a little in game so we don’t need anyone like that. I think Spence really needed to leave us as he was comfy and never really pushed himself, McCann gave his career a life line and I’m glad to hear he has taken it
  16. Could see Vincent but doubt we are looking at Gadzhalov we have plenty CH to choose from. What is Vincents weaknesses in his game? has by any chance Lewis Spence been keeping him out hte team?
  17. According to Wiki he played second fiddle to David flap Hutton, can only imagine he would be coming on so Gil could get decent experience somewhere before becoming our 1st Choice next year
  18. not good enough to generate a fee, but probably steady enough, injury was his downfall with us and never kicked on.
  19. I think Falkirk have been the first casualty of Project brave, as far as I can tell there are not explicit details about staffing levels required and the relevant coaching badges they must hold, how can any club plan for the next season and the next financial year without knowing exactly what will be required from their academy. It's a bit crap if they've let the coaches and players know 11 days before they pull out, but the decision makes sense and had it been properly handled by your media team then there wouldn't be any drama about it.
  20. Well I doubt it would of be built under Jim Jeffries! He would of kept them on the dunes. I’m just making the point that he has modernised our entire set up.
  21. This thread has taken a dive and some folk have lost the head due to a bad quarter AJ has a track record or turning round poor form so for now I’d be keeping him. For the other rubbish that has been trotted out about to club and AJ’s techniques, he has completely revamped the club and made it the modern football club it has to be to survive, the gym, sport scientists, psychologists are all new things that the manager has brought it over the last 2 and a half years, I think he has the funds and the knowledge to bring in 2 quality players in January. As for all star par moaning about the board not making any hard decisions then moaning about closing the end of the NW which was I’m sure a hard decision to make is baffling.
  22. 101

    The Walking Dead

    Would have been a better twist if they had killed off Carl and had the Asian guy bring his body back to Rick and taken it from there. I agree that Daryl will be punted soon which is a shame as there are people who should be killed off before him, although I was critical of there being safe characters so I cant have it both ways. Hopefully, the long-haired guy that they have prisoner at the hilltop has a fittingly horrific death. Not had anyone turned into a zombie by having their reproductive organs bitten off at the same time. What is it with Carrol taking kids off and giving them small arms while wandering around the woods, she's like the pied piper.
  23. The daily mail already tried to get her binned off by being extremely racist towards her writing an article about her which the 'prince' then rightly so called them out on. While I'm here, do we have to pay anything for this seeing as it's in their private house, on a normal day and its the marriage of someone whos the half-brother of a royal and not in direct line to the throne, or will we rather depressingly have to pay through the nose when we can even give Manchester enough to cover the costs of dealing with a terror event or the victims of Grenfell a new permanent house.
  24. We've recruited the services of god to sort out the mess of our midseason slump - here
  25. I think you'll find it will be the owners of East End Park who have paid for the installation of the ticket readers, to add for info I've not had any problems getting through the gate at all and think its far faster than before.
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