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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. Not in the slightest. Which is funny as f**k. Suck it up lolbour.
  2. I really don't care about Dundee utd you people are weird. Aberdeen have been in the doldrums for decades, were training in hotel car parks and getting rid of the toaster very recently. You avoided relegation on a technicality twice. Now for the first time in decades you're in decent shape and Milne has been pushing the boat out to bring a decent standard of player in. I'm sure they are more aware than you what they need and will be working literally day and night to get it done, but four consecutive second place finishes isn't enough, you're still annoyed cause you have a misplaced sense of entitlement. You and the entire rest of the football world are looking for a striker right now, it's not that easy. Perhaps appreciate what you've got before it's gone again.
  3. Being angry that you haven't is. You're having a stunning time and constantly live just about beyond your means paying wages you can barely afford. You are now building a stadium and training ground you can barely afford and have signed several players already, plus will have to pay for Ferguson. Just cause you sold a striker doesn't mean there's a pot of money sitting there to bring one in.
  4. Aye can see why you would be, having your best spell for 30 years and with f**k all money. Typical Aberdeen fans, breathtaking levels of entitlement and delusion.
  5. Aye if bates was 28 and a striker yours might be too.
  6. Aye totally, Hamburg to Scottish championship, happens all the time. Seem to remember you telling me Stuart Findlay was mince this time last year too. Bet you don't think that now.
  7. The Jewish homeland was actually originally going to be in Utah as it happens.
  8. So netanyahu does mean it then? Cause Israel have the means, Iran do not. You're looking in the wrong place.
  9. Nope. Google it champ. There's loads of types of nationalism. Robinson etc Al have a strong ethnic is racist tint to their brand of nationalism, Scottish nationalism is simply the belief that Scotland should be governed by the people who live here, regardless of their race or nationality.
  10. Aye but they're hardly going to wipe Israel off the map are they? Those are not the same things. It's just hot air. Israel have said similar things about them and Israel have nuclear weapons, that's much more concerning.
  11. This is just meaningless hyperbole to appeal to his nutter base and has been matched many times by similar statements from nutteryahu and Sharon. It's really not a big deal. Do you think that's a serious statement of intent?
  12. Hama's have been putting out contradictory statements about this for ten years. But they clearly do accept 67 borders, everybody except Israel does. 67 borders leave a state called Israel, therefore it's defacto recognition.
  13. This. Israel wanted Hama's to ascend to power and facilitated that.
  14. 1967 borders is defacto recognition of Israel champ. What do you think that leaves? Fucking Narnia?
  15. Maybe they should just not treat poor people and let them die instead, that's what you do over there eh
  16. You need to check the name of the thread champ
  17. You mean the radical islamists mossad were funding? Hsmas has been ambiguous on that in recent years, the Palestinian position has consistently been 100% of 67 borders no more no less. Which is 100% compliant with every facet of international law. Israel's position has consistently been no. It's not difficult to see the problem here.
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