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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. It does. Every alcoholic drink tastes shite, no exceptions.
  2. Lol, it's cause it's the biggest injustice on the face of the planet and Israelis are today's Nazis.
  3. Shame labour are in coalition with them all over Scotland eh champ.
  4. N Ireland isn't a state champ as antlion points out. It's a territory. That's been occupied by the UK for four hundred years.
  5. Good news. Hoped he would get a chance when they went down to segunda, he was tearing it up for their b team last season.
  6. N Ireland isn't an existing democracy. It's an occupied territory.
  7. International law decides that. By the same token you can't illegally invade, occupy and colonise somewhere then when people make an issue of it say but we've been here for ages. That doesn't make the colonialism legal or legitimate.
  8. They are. People bombing pubs in England are not freedom fighters.
  9. Partly, also England had been attacked from Ulster several times by France too https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantation_of_Ulster
  10. No I didn't. I said resisting occupation in your own country is legal. Bombing a pub in another country is not doing that.
  11. Arguably yes, but that's a criminal act. Targeting the agents of oppression is totally fine, a pub is not one of them. Though the gfa exonerated them btw. Only in the UK the home of colonialism would people even question this stuff, these are very basic long established tenets of international law, resisting illegal occupation is 100% fine and actually protected in the un charter.
  12. Shooting a British soldier in the head in Belfast in 1980 was completely legal, justifiable in international law and 100% legitimate. Bombing a pub in English not the same thing.
  13. Is that some sort of "Pep's Law"...or official and I'm really disappointed with the "champ" reference I thought we had turned a corner there. "100% okay" is that an actual quote from said "international law" ? I smell shi.. Yes that's from international law champ. The Palestinians resisting Israeli occupation for example are breaking no laws.
  14. Who said that, faults on both sides but Irish people living in the north of IRELAND took a hell of shite Treated like shit in their own country by colonial oppressors.
  15. Individual acts are irrelevant. Bone side was right one side was wrong. One had justice and morality on its side, the other was us.
  16. The UK champ. And in international law freedom fighters are 100% okay. Only the colonists view them as terrorists. Their behaviour was much better than the UK's and loyalists btw.
  17. Were there any republican "baddies" or was being republican a sort of "free pass" for any behaviour whatsoever ? Just wondering.. Their cause was just, ours wasn't. Surprised to see you're a raging britnat btw.... not.
  18. Typical British person's reaction when their colonialism is pointed out.
  19. Good job you explained that. Who knew it was so straight forward as a simple "goodies" v "baddies" Astonishing insight champ. No bother man. Baddies are also bigots in this case.
  20. Perhaps they have delayed the fixtures because half their country is on fire was my point or even delayed announcing them.
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