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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. All this pish about middle class is fucking nonsense. I can tell you exactly why Croatia are successful and we're not. Poverty. All our best players have come from poor backgrounds, theirs too. Poverty and hardship breeds hunger and makes tough people. Middle class makes soft average players who play for Celtic. Poverty breeds hard tough hungry players who are desperate to succeed.
  2. Yeah huge risk, we could I dunno not qualify for anything for twenty years wouldn't that be awful.
  3. I don't know what the fss is. You mean Fsb? That's the KGB under a new name. Before that they were okrana or something.
  4. I don't think Putin was head of the KGB but the point stands.
  5. Exactly. Get rid of anyone over 28 and build a team.
  6. Exactly. Get mulgrew right to fk a year ago, typical Scotland loads of good cbs coming through and we're hanging our hat on a 32 year old midfielder who plays in league one. Laughable.
  7. They're c***s but not stupid. There's no chance of an election. A leadership election in the Tory party a slight possibility, which would lead to calls for an election but it won't happen. If the Tories think they could let labour in by having a GE there will be no GE, understandably enough.
  8. It doesn't matter. Even the Tories aren't stupid enough to force an election they might lose. Why would they? There won't be a GE before 2022.
  9. The Tories are not going to force an election if there's the remotest chance they'll lose it. Four more years of this government minimum.
  10. Stuart Armstrong made his debut at 25. You're talking out of your arse and just listing the handful of exceptions. Scotland have been guilty of this for decades. The success stories you list Gordon and Fletcher it took a fkn German manager to do that. Lee griffiths only got established with Scotland six months ago aged 26 lol, he's been our best striker for about five years.
  11. It's totally irrelevant to the point how good hazard is. All the Scottish young players have to be is better than the alternatives, not as good as hazard.
  12. Or tell the electoral commission to go swivel as independent we wouldn't be under their auspices so they would have no authority to levy or collect a fine.
  13. Yeah fk her. Though that is appalling and in typical shameless duplicitous Tory style he's lying through his teeth in his apology. That was no accident. Never trust a Tory.
  14. In the 21st century she could vote from a hospital bed ten thousand miles away in a fraction of a second. Wm needs to move out of the eighteenth century.
  15. Fucking hell. Are there any Tories who aren't complete and utter vermin? Erm... no. That's why they're Tories.
  16. This is pish. You literally just make stuff up don't you.
  17. It would but America wins it. They've been overthrowing democracies for seventy years.
  18. Didn't say that. But people like Ryan should learn their own history before spouting off about their values and democracy. The USA has been the biggest enemy of democracy in human history by far.
  19. Not what they taught me in university. I'm pretty sure it's three times.
  20. The lords can scrutinise, suggest amendments and return to commons for amendment vote. They can't overturn anything This is correct, and they can only return to the commons three times.
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