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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. You're not first minister you utter clown. Good job reading.
  2. You're a bit too immature for stuff like this. Come back in a few years.
  3. Yes it is. They are by far our most important and powerful ally. You don't conduct diplomacy like a petulant child, even if trump does, leaders have a responsibility to protect the interests and prosperity of those they represent so a bit of maturity and restraint is required.
  4. I think they really more want him out of their own country tbf.
  5. You're living in cloud cuckoo land, it doesn't work like that. They have to work with him while he's in office, you don't tell the leader of the largest economy in the world, actually second largest now, and head of NATO to f**k off. That's pish.
  6. Like it or not hes the democratically elected president of the united states. Even if you don't like the man it's your duty to respect the office. You're just being a bit stupid.
  7. In the USA 15% of people get food poisoning every year. In the UK it's 1.5%. Things like that are the reason why.
  8. Give us your thoughts on the dude lookalike Jesus Christ the lord our saviour
  9. And played 100 more games than McKenna.
  10. Definitely. It's not like he's an establishment lackey.
  11. We don't live in a democracy. It's a facade of democracy for stupid people.
  12. Give it up HB you absolute weirdo. Nobody buys your pish.
  13. What did I say in the next sentence you lying fanny?
  14. How much of that is devolved you utter weapon?
  15. Such a great point man. Most of corbyns vote winning policies are already in place in Scotland, the rest labour fought to prevent the Scottish government having the power to enact. But pushed them to the left aye right you are son.
  16. Pretentious crap that can be diluted down to 'I'm an absolute fanny'.
  17. Yet used his vote so stupidly people genuinely wouldn't believe it if he told them.
  18. Actually have a master's in politics champ. It's off the charts stupid. Jaw droppingly idiotic.
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