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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. Yeah it probably is the best option now. And reiterate we plan a referendum inn march next year.
  2. By events yesterday it would seem that making one of the SNP mps sit in the commons and shout objection every time they attempt to pass a bill might be an idea. Maybe just send one more in each day solely to do that.
  3. I'm not sure we have the power to have much effect. I think we should hold a referendum anyway with or without a s30. Making the next hr election a plebiscite on independence is also an option.
  4. There's a couple of certainties imo. A referendum held any time soon would return a vote for independence. The British government know this. So they are not going to allow a vote. That's where we are.
  5. Btw remember they told us lead the UK don't leave it, partnership of equals. Lol.
  6. I see. Astonished you have fk all except basically you're a bigot.
  7. So what are the good things the conservatives have been doing whilst in government since 2010 that you'd like to see done here?
  8. And that's the fundamental reason for independence. No french government would ever discover something could be great for France and proceed to desperately try to prevent the people of France from finding out about it. But Scotland's government did that to Scotland.
  9. No you're correct, 'gone by 1990' was actually one of the campaign slogans of the no to devolution camp in 79. That's the extent of their lies. Alistair darling said during indyref it would run out in 2017.
  10. Yeah I can't read it makes me too angry. Everyone in Scotland should know it's contents off by heart.
  11. Trident replacement will cost multiples of the quoted price. Large scale infrastructure projects always go over budget when run by government and high tech stuff exponentially. That will cost a trillion pounds.
  12. What I find mind boggling is to imagine what Scotland could have been like if independent. We have voted left for sixty three years solid and missed an oil bonanza that genuinely could have made us hands down the richest country in the world. It's heartbreaking. Instead we've been deindustrialised and hollowed out while suffering population stagnation by Westminster as England votes Tory three times out of four.
  13. Shut up p***k Shut up p***k Good job voting no champ. Thañks for Brexit.
  14. Who cares. It's about the people of Scotland choosing her successor. You toons seem to struggle to grasp this.
  15. It has been honoured champ. Scotland didn't become independent. If you can show where on the ballot paper or Edinburgh agreement it said forever or put any time limit on anything then you can say it hasn't been honoured.
  16. Actually champ not voting was giving no your vote. Good job Einstein x
  17. He's actually played 67 games in the last two seasons. This belief many seem to have that he hasn't played much recently just isn't true.
  18. He's played about 35 games in the last eighteen months champ
  19. I think for once he might have actually got really lucky with events transpiring in his favour. Though the atmosphere around that club is bound to be mental and poisonous this year and they're guaranteed to have a shit season so it might not be a great place for a young player to be this year.
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