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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. 7000 of the 'famous' for a Scott cup quarter final at home against a team you should beat during your best spell for thirty years and when the north east hasn't been hit by the weather nearly as bad as the rest of the country. Total joke of a club, no wonder McInnes will leave as soon as a decent club comes in
  2. Yup. And a compliant media will tell them what they want to hear. The UK is through the looking glass.
  3. Norway expect oil revenues to be£16 billion this year. They don't have as much as Scotland. And the deficit is a lie anyway, what you mean is the deficit the people desperate to prevent independence concoct.
  4. Her target audience is idiots and ideologues so she'll be fine
  5. Your doubts aren't important champ. Our parliament has already voted for one.
  6. Aberdeen's crowd today was the most tinpot thing I've seen. What a bunch of bitter selfish insular wee bams they are and their support if you can call it that is the biggest reason by far guaranteeing their club will never be fk all. Teuchter b*****ds. 1400 came from Kilmarnock ffs. Look up lame in the dictionary there's a picture of a half empty pittodrie. Confirmation once more hearts are a much bigger club btw.
  7. That's not up to you or me champ. The people of Scotland will decide.
  8. Read the claim of right champ. The people of Scotland are sovereign. They voted to stay in the EU.
  9. Lol typical britnat. We also voted to stay in the EU, and I think you'll find the Scottish people are sovereign champ, so we stay.
  10. Didn't they? And here's me thinking a Tory was in 10 downing Street right now and that labour fielded paper candidates to help the tories silly me
  11. Actually they were directly lifted from my original post which was about labours British nationalism. What a surprise you're a liar colour me astonished.
  12. I'm just using it as an example of how our media treat this and how misleading it can be if you take the BBC or CNN as gospel.
  13. Have we invaded Syria? You could put a quarter of a million NATO troops on the ground that would be a slight escalation no? You could overthrow the Syrian government. Which has been the expressed wish of the UK and USA governments for years btw they openly say they want regime change. What a ridiculous question.
  14. Maybe absurd is the wrong word convoluted then, both are plausible.
  15. Why do you assume I do that. They obviously wanted to use it as an excuse to escalate the conflict which clearly has been our intention all along. Which would probably have meant boots on the ground imo. Why is anyone's guess. There could be lots of reasons. It was on the list of seven countries the last republican administration are on record as planning to change the government of through military means. Axis of evil etc. ThoughI do know a cracking theory about it as it happens. I'm sure you'd not agree.
  16. Come on man that's some serious mental gymnastics you're performing to concoct a frankly absurd and very far fetched story to satisfy your preconceptions. Nobody knows anything, you don't know the Berlin wall came down unless you saw it. You make judgements based on the information available. Your and most people's mistake is to assume we're somehow special and only our governments and Medi wouldn't lie to us. Despite so much historical evidence to the contrary too.
  17. Nobody was talking to you. It's astonishing after Iraq that people like you think oh our government wouldn't lie to us though. I mean how gullible can people be.
  18. That's my opinion based on a cross section of information. I have heard the Russians, British, Americans, various groups in Syria regime and otherwise and my judgement based on the logic of whether it would be in his interests to do so, as well as some independent observers like the ex UK ambassador. My considered opinion is no way Assad was involved, and the British and American governments are lying when they said he was and attempted to use it as a pretext for escalation. Just like wmd in Iraq, we were lying there too. You haven't given your opinion.
  19. I bet you think Oswald shot Kennedy too. That's as clear a case of a patsy as you'll see. And what evidence? Have you looked into it? Of course not, what you mean is you're happy to accept what you're told as it's much easier than the alternative. You never did answer about Syria. Assad wasn't responsible.
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