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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. Dunno but when he was at rayo vallecano and ancellotti at Madrid ancellotti was so impressed watching vallecano he asked if he could go to watch them train. He went along and afterwards said he'd never seen anything like it in his life. The guys a genius.
  2. Their manager is a fkn genius. They might stay up cause of him. He was my choice for Scotland manager.
  3. You mean the same Tories that labour helped win the last election?
  4. Actually no we plan to get off before it crashes thanks. Typical britnat.
  5. Aye except when you dodge questions about labours selling out of Scotland eh
  6. He's played like twenty this season, the moron up there is exaggerating. This is a guy who just turned 21 who is currently a first choice for man utd. We have no players like that.
  7. It's not that big a deal. We send 18 year olds to war. This is a millionaire in a win win situation, I'm sure he'll be OK.
  8. Shut up. 15 year olds make that decision all the time. He is eligible for two countries good enough to play intl football now so he has to choose which one big deal. It's not like he's performing open heart surgery.
  9. That's now both him and sarwar said Scottish people are racists and this affects their electability. Funnily enough don't remember hearing much of that talk about English people and Gordon brown. Andit couldn't be that both are just horrendous politicians who represent a party that is morally and intellectually bankrupt.
  10. Today Leonard's basically preempting his inevitable failure by calling Scottish people racists. Labour ate utter utter utter utter utter utter utter scum.
  11. Interesting. I'm prepared to admit I'm mistaken about the councils. Perhaps you can clarify for us though. Did the leader of the labour party tell people to vote Tory to keep the SNP put? Yes or no? Did labour field paper candidates in several seats to increase the chances of the Tories winning them? Yes or no? Did the last labour administration at holyrood send large chunks of the block Grant back to Westminster? Yes or no? Did a labour MP say during the independence referendum 'better 100 years of Tory rule than one day of independence'? Yes or no? Did another labour MP stand up in the house of commons and say 'even if it could be conclusively proved Scotland would be better off independent I would still be against it's? Yes or no? Did labour pay volunteers from England and Wales which it bussed up then sent them into care homes to tell pensioners their pension would stop the day after a yes vote during the 2014 referendum? Yes or no? Did labour stitch Scotland up in both 1979 and 2015 to hinder devolution? Yes or no? Did labour lie to Scotland for thirty years above the true value of North sea oil and try to prevent the people of Scotland ever finding out how valuable it is? Yes or no? I could go on if you want but you can answer these first.
  12. You don't get to decide what's for debate champ.
  13. Aye he did it for real Madrid champ. Gerd Muller too. You don't get to decide what's up for debate the facts do and the facts are nothing Messi has done hasn't been done before. Johann Cruyff changed football much more than Messi has. Ronaldo Brazilian changed how they ref the game. You fanboys are hilarious.
  14. Once again simply not true. Puskas played Messis role and outscored him. Football did actually exist before him you know, there's nothing he's ever done has not been done before, and I'm his biggest fan.
  15. I'm not looking through his posts check under his name and the phrase a few decades you'll find it. Couple of weeks ago probably. It shouldn't be surprising anyway, that is the mentality of labour they are died in the wool British nationalists. One of their MPs said in parliament in 2014 'rather 100 years of Tory rule than one day of independence that was a fkn Scottish labour MP saying that. That's how these people think, they would rather Scotland governed by Tories as part of the UK than pursuing social democracy independent cause they are British nationalists to the core. That'swhy dugdale was telling people to vote Tory, imagine that unthinkable until Scottish independence became a real danger the leader of labour in its birthplace openly telling people to vote Tory. They also fielded paper candidates against them and are in coalitions in councils with them all over the country. That's not about economics or social democracy or socialism. That's pure British nationalism. Union above all else no matter what. Scotland should suffer in deference to their nationalism if need be rather than even be allowed to try and prosper outwith it.
  16. The last post I read from the forfar troll said Scotland should voluntarily suffer a few decades of guaranteed economy harm by embracing brexit rather than even consider independence. His words. That's the last post of his anyone should read. These people are simply British nationalists, as evidenced by tripe like that.
  17. You can hazard any guess you want but you're wrong. It goes up every year. Though settlers is a slightly inflammatory term. And it's not small at all, it's almost 1% of our entire population every year.
  18. Despite the (labour) po trying to fk Scotland as always in the name of British nationalism.
  19. Again thanks just naive. There's no guarantee of am independence supporting majority at Hollywood ever again and 45 thousand English people move to Scotland every year, 85% of whom will vote against independence no matter what the arguments are. It's now or never.
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