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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. As part of any SNP propping up deal I would ask for power to hold a referendum to be given to holyrood on a full time basis ie devolved not reserved. I would then not hold a referendum for 5 yrs but work with the EU for a smooth in transition. By that time the sheer stupidy of brexit will have hit home not to mention significant changes in demographics All this is fine and well but there's every chance you don't ever see a pro independence majority at holyrood ever again after this parliament. The entire place was specifically designed to prevent majorities, the greens are on the wane and the entirety of the media are desperate to bring down the SNP. It's shit now or get off the pot possibly forever. There will be a referendum in this parliament.
  2. Compelling evidence and the thought process of your typical bitter ulster unionist. The funny thing is that the Ulster Unionist are perceived as Irish around the world because no one gives a f**k Yup, it's funny cause these people will and have literally killed to show how British they are and nobody in actual Britain gives the slightest fk about them or sees them as British at all. Which they're obviously not as northern Ireland isn't part of Britain anyway.
  3. It's easy to check. If he did say it then it's totally out of order.. http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php?/topic/250059-cosa-nostra/
  4. Yes you did. You said it would be good if someone killed Nicola sturgeon. I fail to see the joke. Did you find the assassination of benazir Bhutto funny? Gandhi? JFK? Or just people who favour self government for Scotland?
  5. Where is the other 80% to come from liar? Give us figures. You say the SNP can end austerity so how do they do that? Or are you lying?
  6. So no answer as to where the other 80% comes from? Must say I'm surprised. You're a liar and vote for a party of liars.
  7. What a surprise to see you lying once again. Or perhaps you struggle with the meaning of the word 'end'. Westminster has cut Scotland's budget by over 9% since 2010, and given Scotland partial control of one tax. Even pretend socialist labours super duper budget proposals mitigate only around 20% of these cuts. So, given you and John McDonnell seem to be the only people in the world who believe the SNP have the tools to end austerity, you're going to have to tell us where this other 80% is going to come from otherwise you're a fkn liar just like corbyn and McDonnell. You may also want to opine on the 184 labour MPs who voted for the latest round of 30 billion worth of cuts while you're doing that and consider, rather than the greens kicking anything, it's slightly coincidental these changes took place after Scotland was given the power to alter tax bands for the first time 18 months ago. In short you're full of shit and a fkn liar and due us all a detailed breakdown of how you propose the SNP mitigates the other 80% of austerity if you wish to retain any credibility on this issue.
  8. I notice you went all quiet about labours lies yesterday champ. You didn't answer, can the SNP 'end' austerity? Do Labours budget proposals do that? And did labour support or oppose Scotland getting the powers to prevent austerity in the first place and end it now?
  9. The SNP win elections champ, 8 in a row now. If I was a labour fanboy that would make me wind my neck in.
  10. Corbyn has no chance of getting elected but even if he does a labour government is for five years, independence is forever.
  11. It's both a lie and a smear. Which labour are guilty of almost daily.
  12. Mafia thread general nonsense a week ago. You said it would be no bad thing if Nicola sturgeon was killed. Utterly shameful and disgusting. I detest Ruth Davidson with every fibre of my being and hate all she stands for, but I want to beat her at the ballot box not see her killed. Unlike you I would see murdering a politician for their views as abhorrent and an attack on democracy.
  13. No my argument is labour lie about and smear the SNP whilst complaining about people doing that to them. You are yet to provide even a shred of evidence of me or the SNP doing the same.
  14. Labour are by far the most tribal, and have a staggering sense of entitlement. They really think it's OK for them to lie cause they're the good guys.
  15. Oh look it's the guy who favours killing politicians for their beliefs if he doesn't agree with them, how very Northern Irish. I bet that would make jack very proud of his grandad.
  16. Probably eventually a wee bit but carrasco and Oscar are young enough to come back. If someone offered to triple your wage you'd be away. Having said that I know a guy offered 80 grand a year tax free to coach in Qatar who didn't take it.
  17. Tbf that's what hulk always did and you're miles off with the figures, they'll at least have tripled their wage probably more.
  18. People say that but at the end of the day why do you think Oscar was at Chelsea in the first place? You really think a kid from Brazil wants to freeze his knackes off playing shitkicker football in England? He's already a mercenary, all players are, that's why he's at Chelsea they offered most, so it's natural when someone offers more he's away. It's disappointing but just the way of the world.
  19. An attack on the royal family and not on a Scottish street. Attacks on the UK mainland were always in England, as the UK is simply greater England.
  20. Oh here's me thinking the SNP are the only government in the UK to end the 1% pay cap (remind me did labour do that in Wales?) Are labour wilfully misrepresenting there by implying they haven't? And presumably McDonnell has made similar statements about the labour government in Wales when they weren't in the midst of a rally then? Since you state that was the reason he didn't, presumably you can give me a quote from him when he did do that? And does labours proposed budget 'end austerity' can you give us the figures proving that or are labour lying? And remind me one time cause I forget were labour for or against Scotland getting all the macro economic levers that would allow the Scottish government to end austerity? I can't remember did labour support or oppose that?
  21. For bonus points why do you suppose they haven't made similar statements about Wales?
  22. That's just it champ he didn't say do more he said end. Can they do that champ or are labour lying? Take your time
  23. You must have been outraged yesterday when John McDonnell called on the SNP to end austerity, despite them not having the power to do so, partly because labour fought to prevent them getting that power, and despite no similar such calls about Wales where labour is in power and hasn't done nearly as much to mitigate austerity as the SNP has on Scotland. Bet you were raging about that eh.
  24. The IRA never bombed Scotland once champ. They recognise it's nothing to do with us.
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