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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. Aye assuming the shooter never moves their arm at all the whole time. I'd be willing to bet my life on that.
  2. Actually she has kids. They're in yon Toronto too. I will pm you their names.
  3. Vets would be used to putting animals down right enough good thinking.
  4. My aunt Rae lives in Canada do you know her? She's in Toronto
  5. All the more reason to give them grenades too. And shotguns.
  6. Surely makes much more sense just to arm all the students
  7. If I was a teacher and they wanted me to do that I'd want a pretty hefty pay rise, and there would be serious insurance implications. Welshbairm Google newburgh four. Though you will dismiss it as you have an unhealthy
  8. As for Florida it's too hard to sift through the stuff about this latest shooting to find right now, give me till tomorrow I'll find it. The most blatant keystone cops amatuer hour false flag attack you could imagine. As was Syria. Btw you should watch the ex UK ambassador to Syria being interviewed about that on breakfast TV. They'll never invite him on again. It's on YouTube.
  9. You're avoiding the question as it's an uncomfortable truth for you to addressed, this proving my point. You know I'm asking about the chemical attacks. What do you think the story behind those is? Our government says Assad did it. They're lying. What do you think?
  10. Lol. Anyway some people find uncomfortable truths offend their sensibilities too much, as you can see on here. That's how they can get away with these things over and over again. What's your opinion on Syria btw before I go?
  11. It was clearly Israel's intention to do so. And yes absolutely. At absolute best the UK hit a chemical weapons dump and tried to blame it on Assad but we don't know if any of those even exist, the scenario you outline is much more likely. Anthrax 2001. The anthrax killed five people, was traced back to a US military lab then it all went quiet. I don't know how much more obvious you people need it to be.
  12. Anthrax in 2001, the FBI setting those kids up in Florida in 2007. It goes on all the time.
  13. Moaning about lying and smears against corbyn then going la la la when corbyns lies and smears are pointed out is the same.
  14. Which is the same thing. As is wmd. It's falsely creating a pretext for war. USA went to war with Spain based on a false flag. Israel attacking a US warship. Our government has used them right throughout history. Syria chemical weapons last year was a false flag by our government to create justification for escalation. But nobody bought it so it failed.
  15. The burning of the Reichstag Its simple ignorance of history to think there haven't been loads. Babies and incubators before Iraq war one.
  16. Not every attack is a false flag incident, but you will get nutters saying it is for every one. However, if you don't think there has been some false flag incidents quite frankly you're an idiot. There is a very long history of them.
  17. They've hated the EU forever cause rules regulations standards etc make them jump through all sorts of hoops. Though they benefit greatly from it and a cynic would say they're just annoyed they can't sell us pigshit etc.
  18. The UK already chose it's own passport colour. As an aside you make some good posts granny.
  19. Never once called anyone a fantasist champ. Glad we established lies and smears are fine with you as long as they're labour lies and smears. Must say I'm shocked.
  20. If you're ever in a plane crash all you have to do is jump violently in the opposite direction right at the moment of impact and your chances are pretty good. Usually this will mean up and backwards. Words to live by.
  21. So you're condoning Leonard's lies and ignoring corbyns. So you're a liar and tribal.
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