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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. Yes, that's why it says well regulated militia or whatever.
  2. Don't worry innovative jams will save us. I'm eating a beautiful hubris and bigotry combo right now on Imperial hangover bread
  3. Well you live in the 17th century anyway so no need in your case
  4. That's colonialism for you Wes. Kill a few tens of millions, steal the wealth of half the world it leaves a legacy.
  5. I don't give a shit Wes I'm not hung up on these things the way you are, I just thought it was hilarious how raging you were when it was pointed out. And English was introduced through colonialism and violence wasn't it Wes. In Scotland too.
  6. LOL Absolutely triggered! It's true though isn't it Rob. English is an immigrant language in n Ireland. That's a fact Rob isn't it?
  7. I have a brilliant idea for the one when they carry the coffin in at the but I don't want anyone to steal it so not telling. You'll have to come to my funeral or forever wonder. Also mayonnaise by smashing pumpkins probably.
  8. And even if we got one labour government history shows England votes Tory three quarters of the time so it's independence or live under a Tory government most of the rest of your life. That's the choice we have.
  9. It's of no relevance to us anyway. We either become independent or take whatever government England chooses for us the rest of our lives, those are our options. So engagement with goings on at wm is political voyeurism for people in Scotland and an entirely pointless pursuit. Also labour have repeatedly shown they're not the saviour anyway so what does it matter.
  10. In relative terms it's happening tomorrow or never. Scottish independence has to happen in this parliament. Therefore I don't give a fk what happens at wm.
  11. You can be as obtuse as you want it doesn't change the fact English is an immigrant language forced on n Ireland by a colonial power.
  12. Or.... that's why Scotland urgently needs to leave this stinking union. Which usually votes Tory let's remember.
  13. I think the purveyors of English in n Ireland are clearly the blood and soil nationalists here
  14. Surely English is an immigrant language in n Ireland
  15. All brexit has done is ably demonstrate how little we matter, the impossibility of affecting critical decisions at a UK level and the total disregard lets just remind ourselves craven Rob is 'happy with our role within the uk'. That's why he's craven.
  16. It's really that cat Boyd is tweeting anti SNP stuff and claiming those pointing out labours hpocrisy are opposed to equal pay for women, ie lying.
  17. Rob Craven himself said he was voting Tory purely because they were staunchest on the union. He also said it was union above all else.
  18. You're a liar you said you voted Tory (the party of brexit) as they were strongest on the union. You're a liar and a separatist.
  19. And what is this mystical way back Wes the British government have said brexit means brexit and a majority in England, which runs the UK, want it so it's happening. You're living in denial.
  20. Rob don't pretend there's any thought at all goes into it on your part, you admitted yourself it's union above everything, at all costs, so don't pretend it's anything other than blind nationalism from a raging britnat.
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