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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. It's all scientific mumbo jumbo black holes and galaxies and stars who really believes that pish
  2. Scotland being openly mocked and taunted in parliament today by cabinet minister amber Rudd. Better together.
  3. BP announce another two discoveries of oil today. People really need to understand the bonanza Scotland missed out on by voting no. Heartbreaking.
  4. Glasgow is the home of Scottish football it should stay there. And keep the money in football f**k rugby.
  5. Not just that the stadium will be done on the maximum cheap too, given its going to be their home for probably 50 years might as well go baws oot and do it properly but they will do it as cheap and shit as possible guaranteed.
  6. Aberdeen is OK but the accent is brutal and they're a strange bunch up there.
  7. Tbf to her, though she is a vile cretin and shouldn't be conducting herself like this, the statement is incorrect. Though she has been absent for over 60% of votes she has voted 78 times. What he probably meant was she has only spoken twice, probably largely because she was heavily mocked for how stupid she sounds and how vapid and empty her comments were.
  8. I always thought the stereotype of Italians as crap soldiers and cowards was a bit strange. The Romans did not bad no?
  9. I'm not a hearts fan. But the fact is thousands more pay to watch them every week than Aberdeen. They're obviously the bigger club. You've also won more European trophies than PSG or man city but that doesn't make you a bigger club.
  10. This is just not true. Hearts attendances have been exceeding Aberdeen's by at least 3000 for about 15 years including whilst in the second tier. They are clearly the third biggest club in Scotland, what happened 35 years ago doesn't matter.
  11. You can't just make an assertion that there has been no.change in bigoted singing cause you still hear some. Is it less often? Does it involve less people? A simple assertion proves nothing. The tweet i mentioned is an example of the reaction of.the people targeted therefore entirely relevant.
  12. Did you perform a detailed study including decibel measurements to arrive at this conclusion. There's evidence on this very thread that I'm correct. Read the quoted tweets from bigots. Yasser now we can sing the famine song and Billy boys for the full 90 minutes was one, meaning due to obfa he felt he couldn't. You're going to have to supply some evidence for your view. And being seen to do something is great, as it sends the message to these people this is not acceptable anymore. Now the message has been sent that it is. And I guarantee you bigoted singing at old firm games and all the negative associated societal effects home and away increases now. Scottish society has been gleefully damaged by the unionist parties just to damage the SNP. Plus 80% of the public support it, and the job of elected representatives is to represent the views of their constituents, hence the name.
  13. Created a climate for the first time ever where bigots were reticent to sing bigoted songs. Now they feel emboldened.
  14. Cmon JMO. You're better than that m8 No he's not
  15. There should be a roof on this new stadium. Soon it will be the norm and Aberdeen is basically in the Arctic circle. Also a semi artificial surface one of the next gen ones. Make it a real cauldron of 25 000 and show some ambition. Indoor full pitch at the training ground too and/or undersoil heating. They should be taking their time and going to the oil companies, trump, lottery whoever it takes.rich ex pat fans to get the funding to do it proper. Typical teuchter b*****ds doing it on the cheap, will just turn out to be a slightly bigger new version of McDiarmid park.
  16. I don't think it would do any harm to stay at Aberdeen for a while and they need reinforcements at CB so maybe he'll be staying. Looking better every week, watching the game on alba just now he's a cracking prospect really blossoming into a very good player, looking much more assertive and confident now.
  17. No I didn't. You're a fkn liar. I said nothing of the sort. When you want to discuss things like an adult get back to me.
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