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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. The old firm are the biggest contributory factor to Scotland's sectarianism problem these days, every other section of society has moved on then they drag us all back 300 years every weekend. Which is what obfa was an attempt to tackle. It should have been ammended not repealed, the unionists have no interest in tackling sectarianism they are embracing, culturing, nurturing and encouraging it as a divide and rule technique to prevent independence.
  2. Got to assume with Aberdeen signing Devlin they will be selling McKenna ñow, good to see some young Scottish defenders making their way in the game now.
  3. I watched an economist on RT discussing the neoliberal consensus yesterday and if it's flawed. The BBC promotes the neoliberal and would never show such a debate. RT isn't winning all these awards for nothing. People who criticise RT either are simpletons or haven't watched it. An addition for this thread btw sameera khan and Jacqueline vouga from RT. Both stunning.
  4. Says the guy who has his nationality in his username. A Scottish nationalist is simply someone who believes Scotland should be an independent country. An entirely valid viewpoint which I would defend in any setting. If you can find one post from me demonstrating the ugly kind of nationalism you claim I espouse I will resign from this forum today. You're full of shit. I'm on the tartan army forum touting an Englishman as Scotland manager ffs. Nationalist my arse.
  5. They are not the same thing. In the example given the appropriate action is clearly to search everybody. You are incapable of nuanced thought if you can't see the difference.
  6. I'm not trying to justify that at all that is clearly an abuse of discretion. I said it's not a valid reason to oppose obfa in another country twenty years later and not necessarily representative of a wider policy. Typical hysterical attempt to try to misrepresent my words though.
  7. I didn't say that either, but it goes on to this day. Whether it's 'fine' or not doesn't mean anything, it's the most economical use of resources and simple common sense. Has been proven to be very effective and is used the world over. This is something the police in every country in the world do every day, it's you that has a difficult argument to make in opposing it. If, for example, you are looking for Islamic fundamentalists in an airport, does it make sense to target one particular group? Answer that without tacitly supporting racial profiling and you're a fkn liar. This is standard practice.
  8. Lol, as if selling the Syrian government chemical weapons was a deliberate attempt to help the Syrian government make chemical weapons. Perish the thought lol. You really are wilfully ignorant.
  9. Maybe you should stop talking out of yours and if you want to accuse people of racist be prepared to back I up.
  10. Is it also sexist to identify males? Ageist to target the young? Of course not.
  11. That's just typical hysterical nonsense on your part. I said nothing remotely racist at all, my fiance is half native American as it happens, but as soon as you mention race at all some people like you go wahhhhhhhhh racist. I mentioned a policing tool widely used and very effective which is in use today. The downside of it is some people are inconvenienced. Anecdotal evidence like above is irrelevant when trying to police a city of 9 million people.
  12. No, it's a matter of opinion whether that policy was wrong, not a matter of fact. It's a fact a disproportionately high level of crime was being committed by young black males, for economic rather than racial reasons before anyone freaks out, so it was good use of resources and good policing. It was also very effective. They do it right now at airports too. Nothing racist about it it's simple common sense.
  13. The man who uses perceived childhood slights to doubt the procurator fiscal ability to interpret the law as an adult.
  14. And pisses his pants in public, falls asleep in the lord's, slurs his words etc.
  15. No it's not. Calling him something homophobic or racist is. And it's for the pf to decide, who is qualified to do so.
  16. It would be the pf, as I say to anyone criticising this act, show me one wrongful conviction. But I stand corrected about the France thing.
  17. Actually no, as police Scotland have no jurisdiction in France amazingly enough.
  18. Yeah it's almost as if labour are a shower of utter cretins who don't give a fk about Scotland. Who knew.
  19. Yup. Btw I wonder if Celtic confiscated that banner, given political banners are not allowed at football grounds. Answers on a postcard.
  20. Yup. If there was the will from the authorities they could deal with it no problem. But the old firm feed on bigotry and the authorities would never do anything to upset them. That's what made obfa necessary.
  21. Yup. That's the real ulsterisation of Scottish politics. Unionists uniting to damage the SNP, if it damages Scottish society so be it. Incredible story today about thirty thousand books by Scottish authors being pulped. Along with Scottish products being rebranded as British. Operation wipe Scotland off the map well underway.
  22. Supported by 80% of the country you absolute cretin. On ignore.
  23. Yeah they've turned out to be utter arsewipes too. Probably opposed it on some pretentious civil liberties and freedom of speech grounds without realising what utter fannies they are. Lost all respect for them when harvie said recently he wanted a fully funded across the board 3% pay rise for all public servants. When asked how he would pay for it he replied pfft that's the SNPs job. Arsewipe and total amateur hour. The unionist parties would literally burn Scotland to the ground to keep it governed from London. Obfa was supported by 80% of the population. The next target will be named persons, despite it being supported by every single children's charity in the country. If they succeed vulnerable children will literally die who otherwise wouldn't have, all so they can score points off the SNP. Disgusting. The SNP were the first people in decades to actually attempt to do something about Scotland's sectarian problem, they took a brave and noble stance to try to improve our society knowing it would be electorally damaging as it pisses off old firm fans and going into a referendum too they still did it. The unionists want to take us back to the bad old days practicing pure colonialism through divide and rule. Witness the sectarian dog whistling of cretins like Ruth Davidson and Murdoch Fraser. Vile. Make no mistake, what has been achieved today is simply utter scumbags like Adam Tompkins literally punching the air with delight that people this weekend will feel free to sing about how much they hate catholics If and when we have indyref2, if we lose it the SNP should resign en mass and say OK labour and conservatives you can govern the country let people see what an utter shambles it would be, let people actually get what they wish for. No more protecting them from Westminster austerity. Sad sad day for Scotland.
  24. Sad day for Scotland. The unionists are damaging Scottish society to score points off the SNP. The only people happy about this are bigots.
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