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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. Yeah, 78% of Scotland's income was being kept by London at that point. When people started to get angry about this they simply stopped publishing the figures m. Scotland has been being stolen from by London for 300 years. We subsidise them. It continues to this day.
  2. It's embarrassing, Scotland is merely a region of England. That is officially the position of the UK government. They had a legal opinion written in 2014 stating that in 1707 the kingdom of Scotland was dissolved and the kingdom of England renamed the united kingdom. Obviously in anticipation of a potential yes vote so they could try to make us leave with no assets or whatever. Still disgusting though. Just watched Theresa may responding to the SNP in pmqs a minute ago. The utter contempt she showed for the aspirations of our entire country was genuinely nauseating and surpassed only in recent memory by George Osborne.
  3. How do you know Wes is Robs name fuzzy? I don't, its my pet name for Wes. As in craven.
  4. Who won Wes? For the what 8th time in a row. Democracy babe, suck it up x
  5. Says you. But Aberdeen, who are a better judge than you, thought he did well enough to bring him back this season and put him into their team who have better players and bigger resources than Ayr. Now Hull, who have better players and bigger resources than Aberdeen, and who are also a better judge than you think he's done well enough that they want to buy him. He has also progressed with Scotland being called up by the u21s, who also are better judges than you. So either he's progressed incredibly much in six months or you're not a very good judge of a player.
  6. Probably not yet but will be next season. Tbh I also think it much more likely you're not a very good judge of a player than he was dugshite though.
  7. Huge pinch of salt. We had the only poll.that mattered in the holyrood election and the yoons lost chum. if Davidson and her band of clowns want to dictate the agenda in Scotland let them win an election.
  8. Now we have one more, that is extremely popular. Except with bigots.
  9. He's just a bitter imbecile who thinks all young Scottish players are shite. Cause he failed at life and it makes him feel better. McKenna is an excellent prospect whomwill get many caps and have an excellent career. You can tell that within about 30 seconds watching him. Keeping Reynolds out this season too who is a good player at Scottish premiership level. Liam cooper, on the other hand, is a bit of a haddie.
  10. The of will decide if you get prosecuted and it's to target bigoted songs normal football chants Will be fine. It is supported by around 80% of the public, only bigots opposite it.
  11. Yeah I sort of flicked through the first chapter and thought it was a bit slow and filler, no real juicy bits. Got to be worth a read though.
  12. My copy of fire and fury arrived yesterday. Might start it tonight.
  13. I'm still waiting on my union dividend personally.
  14. That's how they plan to privatise it, Hunt has already said any increase in funding for the NHS from now on will have to come from private sources. As they won't be putting any more money in. That's what you call a Hegelian dialectic, create the problem (underfund the NHS deliberately) then offer the solution (private investment) to alleviate the problem you artificially created.
  15. It would be the procurator fiscal that determines that not a police officer. Which is kind of their job. If in doubt though don't sing bigoted songs and you'll be fine x
  16. Trumpesque levels of denial from this utter cretin. Heartbreaking that a charlatan like this and give it al will hugely negatively impact the living standards of millions of people through his utter delusions.
  17. Yeah doesn't fear it at all no siree lol. I gtg Wes see you tomorrow xxx
  18. Not what the polls say Wes. My sentiments exactly, bring it on. Strangely the unionist politicians don't seem to share your confidence, the reason they're desperate to prevent indyref2 is they think they might lose it. I do too. Tick tock.
  19. Oh I just replied to this in the wrong thread. I like McKenna think he is a great prospect.
  20. Gordon should have saved both goals against England, he saves either and we'd have been in the playoffs instead of Ireland.
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