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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. It's pretty much 50-50 in both cases now Wes. You must be shitting your wee butcher's apron pants.
  2. Why would you change winning tactics? Every council area in the country voted remain, they worked magnificently.
  3. On the topic 49% support for independence in latest polling, you're mental if you don't think we could potentially win from that starting point. The SNP will definitely go for a referendum in this parliament, they have the mandate it's one of the things they were elected to do and they'd be foolish not to.
  4. On ignore britnat, only saw your previous drivel as it was quoted. Post twicee if it's important.
  5. What percentage of the population of your beloved n Ireland you think are racists Wes? I would eager more than any other country in the western world. Though obviously n Ireland isn't a real country, it's an occupied bit of Ireland.
  6. Hi Wes surprised to see you desperate to criticize Scots. Not. what we do know is most of them are sevco fans.
  7. I understand that but it doesn't really matter imo, it's this parliament or never. You could be waiting decades for another pro Indy majority in holyrood.
  8. It's just word salad. The honest answer would have been 'I'm a British nationalist'. Though he probably doesn't realise that himself.
  9. Not really, they campaigned for remain and won by a fkn landslide in Scotland. Not their fault if a bunch of racists down south fkd things up.
  10. Indyref2 will be march 2019, as the SNP have said all along. Nothing has changed.
  11. Puskas is another, goal a game his entire career. That puts Messi and Ronaldo outside the top three at best.
  12. Valencia just go to the stadium, ticket office is on the right corner of the main stand. Villarreal have a club shop in the town centre or you can get tickets at the ground on the day. Levante likewise. You will have no problems getting tickets for any of these games and will just get ripped off if you buy them over here.
  13. Tbh I get fed up of people spouting utter pish like this. It's just simple ignorance of football history. Off the top of my head you might want to look up gerd Muller and Pele's stats, both of whom outscored both Messi and Ronaldo. Messi is the best player ever, but to suggest either is anywhere near the best goalscorer ever is simple ignorance.
  14. THE political will exists to give Nicola Sturgeon more than two years to make Scotland independent, enabling the nation to remain in the EU as a sovereign state when the UK leaves, according to an influential Brussels politician. Philippe Lamberts, the co-chairman of the European Green Party/European Free Alliance, said he saw no obstacle to an independent Scotland joining the EU, and that the 24-month timetable between Article 50 being triggered and the UK leaving could be extended, allowing the First Minister more time to achieve her ambition. Lamberts, who was the MEP responsible for an EU cap on bankers’ bonuses, said that the EU’s remaining 27 leaders would also be happy to agree to an independent Scotland’s membership of the bloc as a way of dealing a blow to the UK Government. There will be a break-up with the UK and the 27 will not be happy about that. So I think they will be all to happy to recognise Scotland if only to thumb their nose at the UK Government,” he said. The First Minister has ruled out an independence referendum this year but has said she is “not bluffing” about holding a vote in the likely event of a hard Brexit. However, with Theresa May due to trigger Article 50 by the end of March, there is concern time might run out before Sturgeon is confident of holding a vote she can win and completing the constitutional framework to create a new independent state by spring 2019. Recent polls put support for independence at around 45 per cent, the same as in September 2014 when the Yes side lost. Lamberts, a Belgian MEP, said the individual heads of state who make up the European Council could prolong the two-year period of exiting negotiations. He said there was political will to extend the spring 2019 deadline for exiting and to accommodate any constitutional changes taking place in the UK. “Paragraph 3 of Article 50 says that the treaty ceases to be applicable to states that leave from two years after the date it is invoked unless the European Council decide to prolong that process. It all comes down to political will and there is very strong political goodwill towards Scotland among Euro- pean politicians,” he said. “I am certain that goodwill towards Scotland will continue over the longer term.” Lamberts saw no obstacle to an independent Scotland being a member of the EU. “Tell me why there should be a problem? Right now Scotland is part of a full member of the European Union, which means it applies all of the EU legislation and fulfils the conditions,” he said. “Why should an independent Scotland not fulfil the conditions? To me it is quite obvious that if a new situation is created to change the constitutional order of the United Kingdom, Europe would not stand in the way of an independent Scotland being in the European Union. “I believe it would inherit the UK’s membership. Primarily that is a political decision. If there is a political will, and I think it will be there, lawyers will find a way to make it legally happen.”
  15. Afraid not wes it will be held before brexit.
  16. We can claim with certainty though Scotland voted almost 2 to 1 to stay in the eu and it can't do that as part of the uk. Which means there's going to be another indyref.
  17. There is no difference bigot despite your desperation. We'll be having indyref2 soon and there's nothing you can do about it.
  18. No it doesn't you idiot, it'ssimply British nationalism by a different name.
  19. And there's no such thing as the best interests of the whole of the UK, it is governed for the South East of England and we get what'sggiven to us. It's best for Scotland Scotland democratic decisions are respected, if not its not a union at all.
  20. You're not a country you utter clown. Now you want Scotland to embrace brsxit even though it voted overwhelmingly against it, just cause you're a raging britnat. Sturgeon tried to stop this, the fms of Scotland Wales and n Ireland all proposed a double lock majorities in all required for the UK to leave. London said no.
  21. What wes really wants sturgeon to do is defy the democratic wishes of the people of Scotland. As fm of Scotland that's the opposite of her job. He might as well say Scotland should just shut up and eat it's cereal.
  22. Rob already pushing the lie independence means us being out of the Eu, as has may too. It's hilarious to see him panicking and clutching at straws. Sturgeon is fm of Scotland. Scotland voted against brexit, there is no inside, her job is to represent Scotland which doesn't want brexit. She is doing her job.
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