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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. That doesn't even mean anything it's just nonsense it's obviously good for the human race if the leaders of the two countries with the largest nuclear arsenals have a good relationship. You'd have to be way beyond stupid not to understand that. Thoughgranny hopes congress can pprevent it, I've never heard anything so idiotic in my life.
  2. Sweeper i read an article or two by Tim vickery years ago apparently the big concern is they don't produce cultured central midfielder anymore where as this used to be the bedrock of their team. The theory was that fullbacks became so attacking cm had to become like extra cbs so you got gilberto silva instead of didi or vava. Don't know much more than that, they still have an incredible squad and we're much better than that Germany game just badly managed. Also brailian players typically love to party and tend to tail off about 28 because of that
  3. No, compared to people who can reply to questions without soundinglike an aabsolute buffoon, mispronouncing several words, making several grammatical errors and talking utter shite. Bush finished 5th bottom of his class in high school, so compared to most of them too. He's an idiot and was merely a figurehead to get the neocons the white House.
  4. But why would it e a bad thing if the president of the USA and Russia have a good relationship?
  5. But self determination though Welsh bairn, those Jewswant to be israeli who are you to question their rights they've been there 50 years
  6. Isthatawalloper becomes number 14 on block. Amusing you think I'dgive a shit what you believe btw.
  7. I completely agree iq tests are not 100% accurate. But George Bush was still a fuckin moron who genuinely struggled to form coherent sentences and was hilariously bad in press conferences. There is tons of evidence out there he is biblically stupid, if anyone wants to argue he's not go ahead you'll have a tough case to make.
  8. Didn't know that. I imagine the Falklands is like n Ireland on steroids, people running about going on about how British they are. If they want to be brBritish they can move back to Britain, we could decolonise the Falklands in a week.
  9. There are no Falkland islanders or gibraltans. Still not capable of objective thought as soon as a British colony is discussed I note. And hilarious comparison to draw, truly comical What i actually want is the UK to respect intl law in all cases and relinquish all colonies too cause we kind of established post ww2 colonialism is wrong. You seem a little behind the curve on that one.
  10. Would only be 3 billion though if we did that. The war probably cost about the same. The oil will be worth may times that. Anyone who doubts our commitment to the Falklands is about anything other than oil (which has dictated the foreign policy, of basically all governments for 100 years) is quite frankly a moron.
  11. The oil makes it financially well worth it, despite people in Scotland thinking oil is a burden due to decades of Westminster propaganda. The issue is legally we have no claim and morally our actions are abhorrent. You are the first to accept it's a colony btw, hardly everybody. And as British citizens i couldn't give a f**k what the government of Argentina or Chile do. My government carries out actions in my name with my money, so that's my concern. The only defence mounted on here of the Falklands is sheer wh.atabouttery they're colonists too i dot give a f**k if they are our concern is our government and they're obviously taking actions that are illegal and immoral. Just as they are in Diego garcia ad Gibraltar.
  12. Aye I've got no idea what left wing means with a masters in politics. It's jmothecretin you're looking for.
  13. Well you're a fucking simpleton expressin nnonsensical views relentlessly parrotted in the mail, express and shite like that so maybe try not talking utter shite then.
  14. Spain has always said if Scotland gains independence constitutionally ie through a referendum they wouldn't have an issue with it. Their constitution prevents catalonia from becoming independent so if we do so constitutionally they're not concerned at all. They have now said they'd block a separate EU deal for Scotland if It stays in the UK, but notIif it leaves. You won't hear this on the bbc or mail express etc.
  15. The Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Garcia-Margallo expressly denied in 2012 that Spain would veto the membership of an independent Scotland: “‘If in the UK both parties agree that this is consistent with their constitutional order, written or unwritten, Spain would have nothing to say, just that this does not affect us. No one would object to a consented independence of Scotland.’ He said the independence of Kosovo was different because it was based on a “unilateral decision” and admitted the Spanish position would have been different if it had been agreed between Belgrade and Pristina.” This stance makes perfect sense, as Spain has welcomed the independence of several new countries – including ones that joined the European Union. James Ker-Lindsay of the London School of Economics thinks the same regarding the difference between Scotland Kosovo – and by extension, Catalonia: “When Kosovo declared independence from Serbia over four years ago, it was quickly recognised by most of the members of the European Union. However, five members – Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Slovakia and Spain – refused to follow suit. This has led to suggestions that these countries may also refuse to accept Scottish independence and keep it out of the EU. This is very unlikely, for a number of reasons. For a start, the problem in the case of Kosovo is not the issue of secession. It is the unilateral way in which it was done. If a territory becomes independent with the consent of all the parties concerned, there is little reason to believe that these countries will oppose the move. The strongest evidence to support this view is their reaction to the independence of South Sudan, in July 2011. This occurred with the overt support of the Sudanese government, which was the first country in the world to recognise it. Within hours, the European Union issued a joint statement congratulating the new state on its independence. There was not a murmur of dissent from any of the five countries to this act of collective recognition. Even at an individual level, there seems little to suggest that any of them would block Scotland’s membership of the European Union.” The idea that Spain would veto a recently independent Scotland’s membership of the EU, yet not veto the recently independent Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, or Slovenia – to say nothing of EU candidates Macedonia and Montenegro – seems ludicrous, especially considering that the people of Scotland have already been EU members for 40 years.
  16. http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/13054307.Spain__we_wouldn_t_block_Scotland_s_bid_to_join_EU/
  17. How smart is the president? Les Robinson says: "I would be interested in hearing comments on this report by pro-Bush and anti-Bush WAISERs": In a report published 6/7/04, the Lovenstein Institute of Scranton, Pennsylvania, detailed its findings of a four-month study of the intelligence quotient of President George W. Bush. Since 1973, the Lovenstein Institute has published its research to the educational community on each new president, which includes the famous "IQ" report among others. There have been twelve presidents over the past 50 years, from F.D. Roosevelt to G. W. Bush, who were rated based on: 1. Scholarly achievements 2. Writings that they produced without aid of staff 3. Their ability to speak with clarity, and 4. Several other psychological factors which were then scored using the Swanson/Crain system of intelligence ranking. The study determined the following IQs of each president as accurate to within five percentage points. In order by presidential term: 142 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt 132 - Harry S Truman 122 - Dwight David Eisenhower 174 - John Fitzgerald Kennedy 126 - Lyndon Baines Johnson 155 - Richard Milhous Nixon 121 - Gerald R. Ford 175 - James Earle Carter 105 - Ronald Wilson Reagan 098 - George Herbert Walker Bush 182 - William Jefferson Clinton 091 - George Walker Bush In IQ order: 182 - William Jefferson Clinton 175 - James Earle Carter 174 - John Fitzgerald Kennedy 155 - Richard Milhous Nixon 147 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt 132 - Harry S Truman 126 - Lyndon Baines Johnson 122 - Dwight David Eisenhower 121 - Gerald R. Ford 105 - Ronald Wilson Reagan 098 - George Herbert Walker Bush 091 - George Walker Bush The six Republican presidents of the past 50 years had an average IQ of 115.5, with President Nixon having the highest at 155. President George W. Bush rated the lowest of all the Republicans with an IQ of 91. The six Democrat presidents had IQs with an average of 156, with President Clinton having the highest IQ, at 182. President Lyndon B. Johnson was rated the lowest of all the Democrats with an IQ of 126. No president other than Carter [D] has released his actual IQ (176). Among comments made concerning the specific testing of President G. W. Bush, his low ratings are due to his apparently difficult command of the English language in public statements, his limited use of vocabulary [6,500 words for Bush versus an average of 11,000 words for other presidents], his lack of scholarly achievements other than a basic MBA, and an absence of any body of work which could be studied on an intellectual basis. The complete report documents the methods and procedures used to arrive at these ratings, including depth of sentence structure and voice stress confidence analysis. "All the Presidents prior to George W. Bush had at least one book under their belt, and most had written several white papers during their education or early careers. Not so with President Bush," Dr. Lovenstein said. "He has no published works or writings, which made it more difficult to arrive at an assessment. We relied more heavily on transcripts of his unscripted public speaking."
  18. He came fifth bottom of his class in high school, openly admitted he never read any of the briefings he got and clearly struggled to form coherent sentences. Are you suggesting he was intelligent?
  19. Though cheney was actually president anywany so it didn't matter. That's why they insisted cheney appeared with bush at the 911 commission.
  20. WASHINGTON, DC — Researchers at the National Archives today uncovered a stack of the president’s test scores from the 1960s. On a standardized IQ test given to him in seventh grade, President Bush scored a 57, which is within the range of mental retardation. “Psychiatrists consider a score in the high fifties to be only mild mental retardation,” said Dr. Herman Coddrick, White House staff physician. “There’s no reason that a person with such a mental capacity couldn’t hold a regular job, like being server at Dairy Queen, a digger of ditches or Commander-in-Chief of the United States military.” The documents further reveal that George W. Bush re-took the test every year through his senior year at high school, apparently scoring the same result: 57. Bush joked about the test scores with reporters at a press conference this morning. “If I took the test ten times, and kept getting 57’s, I must have an IQ of 460,” he said with an impish laugh. But world leaders were not laughing. “When he was here last week,” said King Abdullah at his ranch in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, “begging us to lower oil prices, our interpreters had to speak very slowly, every so often asking if he had to go ‘doody.’” Abdullah said Bush had always come across as someone with low to average intelligence, “maybe in the 80 to 90 range, but we had no clue of his mental retardation. This comes as a complete shock.” “If I’m retarded,” the president told reporters, “and you voted for me — what does that make you?” A White House legal team is looking into whether any documents the president signed over the last eight years would be valid in light of his diminished mental capacity.
  21. Bush got into uni as his dad bought them a new building and was head of the cia, no way he did any of his work himself. He is literally retarded this is old news
  22. AyeAye what a disaster eh, god forbid the leaders of the two most powerful countries in the world have a cordial and civil relationship eh granny you utter moron. That wouldn't do any good eh.
  23. Statesman like from putin, this is why it's good for the world that trump won, Clinton and the democrats seem 5th have some totally unjustified pathological hatred of Russia and be desperate to provoke a confrontation
  24. Spains view is no obstacle at all, they've said repeatedly if Scotland vtes for independence they wouldn't oppose eu membership. You wot reread this in the unionist press though. They've been saying that for five years, BBC won't report it once.
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