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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. There are no Falkland islanders, there are British people we moved there. Obviously Argentina was, originally a colonialist country but this dispute is about its own accepted territory which we continue to violate as we want to steal their natural resources which is a very British thing to, do. It's indefensible, and the conduct of our government should shame all of us. exceptyou lot it apparently doesn't cause you love a, good colony as long as it's British.
  2. For people who scored as many goals look at Gerd muller and obviously Pele. Cruyff was better than Cristiano too, better player, more ttalented, bigger influence on his team and the game.
  3. There you go, at that age Ronaldo was wpoty. Nobody as ever come close to that, certainly not Messi or Ronaldo. It's staggering. Maradona was finished by a out 1988, if you're 36 you definitely didn't see him anywhere near his prime, and even Ronaldo was past his best by your,16th birthday.
  4. If the UK wasn't the colonialist here and it was france you'd have the same opinion as every other person on the plant who isn't British. It's you that's blinded by nationality here. Colonialism is obviously wrong, this is obviously colonialism. If the 3000 British people we have moved there in order to claim the islands and oil are so desperate to be british they can move to Britain. It should obviously be argentinian, the un agrees.
  5. Luckily enough it's not up to you or rob. The Scottish first minister has said regularly repeatedly and consistently it's highly likely there will be one in this parliament, and it's her decision.
  6. Fucki beautiful to see a bigot like you panicking Wes. Welsh bairn i won't justify your dribbling mess about nations with a reply, and suggest you consult Google. The Falklands is a colony, don't ask me ask the un. If you think it should remain British you re a colonialist.
  7. Somebody on here doesn't think Maradona is in the top 5 players ever. Find a new sport. Nobody who is 36 saw Maradona in his primary, not even real Ronaldo really. Name the best teenagers in the world right now. Hardly any that even get a game at top clubs. Ronaldo won world player of the year as a teenager. That's how good heSwas, at that age he was light years ahead of Messi and Cristiano, absolute light years. Totally unplayable, had every attribute you'd want in spades. Frighteningly good.
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/mar/29/falkland-islands-argentina-waters-rules-un-commission Read it and weep. Pandb loves a colony.
  9. Sorry Welsh bairnthats utter shite , nation states have seats not nations, the un recognises Scotland as a nation, and as also ruled against the UK over the Falklands.
  10. Good bunch of colonists on here, anywhere else you, fancy? What about Mauritius that's nice, we could just invade, move enough British people there to create a majority then scream self determination. Can't see anything wrong with that, worked with n Ireland.
  11. Scotland is a nation (whose right to self determination is guaranteed and protected in the un charter), the Falklands is a colony. There is no equivalence. Grow the f**k up. see what imean, instantly normal reasonable intelligent people become frothing morons incapable of objective thought as soon as the status of British colonies is raised purely because they're British. It's fascinating.
  12. Erm yes. You'renot the sharpest tool Iin the box are You? What the f**k else would you call an 'overseas territory'? its a polite way of saying colony
  13. Moving a few thousand British people to an island and asking them if they want to be British is not self determination. overseas territories ARE colonies btw ffs whoever said that.
  14. Topcat that's a great point, cathro has relationships at porto, valencia, Rio Ave and Newcastle. Would expect to see hi go to those clubs in Jan and summer for loanees.
  15. See what i mean, fuckin embarrassing. Literally lose the ability for objective thought as soon as the status of British colonies are discussed.
  16. Totally agree he would have been away within a fortnight, but he can'tnow and wwouldn't take the risk of being fit in 9 months without a club, contract or income or even training facilities. He'll definitely sign a new deal now, and as hearts will want a return they won't agree to a one year deal but pater son won't agree to three, so he'll sign a two year deal. whether he comes back the sameplayer only time will tell. He was rreally developing into a cracking player too, 10, goals this season from rb is fantastic.
  17. Random guy yes he will I've just explained what will happen. That's the benefit of knowing what you'rettalking about.
  18. One silver lining is he might sign a new deal at hearts now, he would want one year hearts three they'll probably settle on two so hearts can sell hi summer 2018 for a wee bit of money.
  19. Never existed. It genuinely staggers me that seemingly reasonable intelligent people become utter morons barely capable of objective thought as soon as Gibraltar and the Falklands are bought up just cause they're British.
  20. There are no gibraltans or Falkland islanders. Unlucky.
  21. The Spanish still consider gibraltar part of their country and iwwould imagine the palestinians won't be saying to the israelis ach you've been in the west Bank for ages why don't you keep it any time soon. Does anybody know someone who isn't a bigot who doesn't believe there should be a united Ireland?
  22. Maradona was more talented than Messi. For me I'dpprobably take Maradona and original Ronaldo at their peak over Messi and Ronaldo, better players. I'ma huge mMessi fan, but Maradona at his best was better, if you don't agree you're just wrong. Watch him, he could do hundreds of things Messi can't. WhatsImpressive about Messiand rRonaldo is longevity and consistency, their actual talent levels, especially in ronaldos case, are a bit meh. Messi not so much he's gifted but not as gifted as Maradona. I'mnnotssurprised 23 year fan boys who never saw the real Ronaldo or Maradona disagree though. andof ccourse consistency and longevity comes from sports science and the protection they are given by referees because of people like Maradona and original Ronaldo. Original Ronaldo btw won wpoty as a teenager. That shits all over Messi and Cristiano, that's how good he was.
  23. I've been to Dublin about 40 times and have never met a single person who doesn't support a united Ireland. In the Republic it would win at least 85% of any vote. Some are reticent to discuss it at first and even feign disinterest or reluctant, but they all actually support it as would, do you if a part of your country had been occupied for hundreds of years. Their only real concern is the reaction of bigots like redhandrob.
  24. Actually wes i said it was the best performing nhs in the UK, which it is. Stick that in your flute you utter cretin.
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