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Peppino Impastato

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Everything posted by Peppino Impastato

  1. If harper was at utd he'd be their best player by far. He's played 8 times for the u23s this season and one for the first team, 26 minutes actually you said not one. He is more like a Armstrong, who you can add to the list btw along with mcginn, than feruz. Still has every chance and is younger than gauld. As for paterson hhe'ssimply the best we have just now, so sshould be given the most experience of intl football possibl , Hutton isn't coming back and is too old now along with bardsley. Love and mcghee could challenge paterson soon ut right now there is nobody else. I don'tsee all three laying lb for sScotland but regardless you need two or three anyway. Thistle clown shut up, one more stupid post you're on Ignore.
  2. Also fulton, Tierney, Robertson, Kingsley, Burke, harper, paterson. These 8 or 9 guys will be the core of our team in a couple of years, there's no point denying them vital experience that could be hugely beneficial to give mulgrew and greer anymore caps, our campaign is over there'snnothing to play for our ranking basically can'tfall any lower chuck them in arrange friendlies galore in two yyears you have a cracking young team coming together.
  3. Who said thistle players you utter clown It's not just training together it's playing intl football different teams and styles and environments it's a massive education for a player. The sensible approach for us is to accept our campaign is over and we need to be ready for the next one. Guys like gauld are going to be first choice in that one souttar probably too we need them ready.
  4. Playing 20 games for Scotland over the next three years makes a much better intl footballer in three years. Doing that with 7 or 8 makes a much better team.
  5. But at the same time argues the exact opposite re brexit negotiations. What a clown.
  6. Curmudgeonly old b*****d speaking above. All top countries fast track their best kids , we should obviously be doingthe same. I remember well Holland calling up an 18 year old with 3 senior appearances in club football fr a competitive game a few years ago. Total no brainer, give them as much experience of intl football as possible and reap the benefits. We have nothing to play for for 18 months and it'snot llike our senior players are great anyway, chuck them all in play as many friendlies so possible too we sshould be blooding a young team for 2020 ccampaign now.
  7. I can only see your posts if someone quotes them troll, post three times if it's a reply to me and important.
  8. Briggs the raging troll thinks there will be a sensible approach to brexit negotiations but yesterday was hysterically denying there would have been a sensible approach to scotlands Eu membership. Hilarious, glad he's on ignore. .
  9. You mean absolutely raging British nationalist who said Scotland should be extinguished now wholeheartedly supports the UK line and thinks we should all shut up and eat our cereal.
  10. Yeah utter shitebagery, but tbf a majority of Scottish people did vote yes, it was people from elsewhere in the UK, Scottish bigots and old people that won it for no. I think the next ones a skoosh and think the snp know that, dont believe the polls they, like everything else, are, probably part of the ongoing campaign of propaganda. The snp are acting very assured and confident, i think their own polling is returning very positive results.
  11. Btw, there is now a Catholic majority in northern Ireland among people aged 39 and under. The union is genuinely in its death throes, fuckin fantastic eh. What a time to be alive.
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-24282271 62% identify as Scottish only, 18% as Scottish and British. Oooft sore one for the britnats. And that's after 300 years of union, sometimes I am proud to be Scottish, this is one of those times. We fuckin rock and will make our country a brilliant wee country when we get control of it.
  13. Statistically wes the vast majority of scots see themselves as Scottish alone, that must break your wee unionist heart but it's it's a fact. The No vote was in no way a positive reflection of britishness or an expression of a widely held desire to continue to be governed by another country, it was the result of a relentless fear campaign scaring enough people into bottling it. That's all wes, not guaranteed to work a second time though is it, no wonder you're flapping.
  14. Gauld got 70 minutes tonight in a 3-1 defeat.
  15. Yes and he now works for goldman sachs like all good socialists.
  16. Also worth pointing out one of the campaign slogans against devolution in 1979 shouted from the rooftops by many including Alistair Darling was 'gone by 1990' as in the oil will run out by then.
  17. Worth pointing out we've had more oil than Norway since it was discovered, and Norway is the richest country in the world purely because of oil. Guess what an independent Scotland would have been over the same time period.
  18. Trying so hard wes, you're like a desperate wee unionist puppy champing at the heels of reality and coherent thought.
  19. Yeah that's him, cause he never gives the ball away he thinks he's player, when in reality he never gives the ball away as he plays the safest pass available all te time. Dier is good it definitely benefits players to go abroad and learn the game, they're just better at it the we are. Ideally I'd like to see the whole Scotland squad playing in Europe but we'll be a long time waiting on that, certainly would like to see much more young scots take the gauld and Burke route.
  20. What question? You've just said snp bad repeatedly you haven't asked a question. It was lower in Scotland two months ago then and is a stat that fluctuates all the time, you make no point other than you're a raging birtnat who probably cracks an absolute stauner any time any remotely bad news about Scotland comes out.
  21. 4.6% Scotland 4.9% UK as of 8 weeks ago. As if it's about unemployment anyway, it's just your nationalism we're discussing not unemployment or the snp. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-37702087
  22. Unemployment is lower in Scotland that the rest, of the UK btw for anyone reading. Red hand rob the bigot doesn't really care about unemployment he cares about London governing all of Britain.
  23. It's not up by 14 thousand anyway there's 14 thousand less in employment which is not the same thing, it takes into account deaths and retirements etc. And as if red hand rob th raging bigot is really concerned abut the snps competence anyway, he's just a raging britnat trying to pretend his opposition to Scotland running Scotland is anything other than pure naked British nationalism.
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