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Hawkeye the Gnu

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Everything posted by Hawkeye the Gnu

  1. Big team found….etc……. Anyway, you lot should do better in the seaside league next year. Going DOON.
  2. Plenty spaces at Tescos in the retail park.ten minutes walk to the ground.
  3. But, but, they’ll be among the favourites in the seaside league next season, Shirley.
  4. As said earlier, throwing things isn’t new. I have vivid memories of the following, - standing on the terracing at Celtic Park being bombarded with golf balls and darts from the ‘best fans on the planet.’ They we’re actually quite clever using the open space between the fans to bounce the balls into us. - as a neutral standing on the segregation line (ok fucking stupid I know) at a cup final at Hampden ( Hibs v Celtic) watching cans of Tennants being lobbed over my head from both directions, somehow feeling perfectly safe but still getting drowned in pish spewing out of said cans. - in the Cowshed in Greenock, pre segregation, watching one totally pished Ned about to throw a crowbar at the opposition, I thought I was safe until the drunk c**t managed to somehow throw it at a 90 degree angle and nearly took my head off. Happy days……
  5. Naismith has been a wage thief, stinking attitude and poor every time he played. Massive disappointment due to his performances at other clubs. Don’t touch him with a barge pole.
  6. Excellent performance from Morton while we were shite, despite defending well. Imrie seems to know what he’s doing and should make a decent living at the managerial lark. Absolutely delighted to see Wilson put that performance in, I always thought he was decent and he proved that tonight.
  7. Rory’s injured and he will defo be missed. Hopefully he’ll be back soon. Great wee player with a terrific attitude and work ethic.
  8. Thomas has found his level. He’s a decent/ good championship player and that’s where he will probably remain for the time being. He showed absolutely nothing with us and his attitude seemed to be wanting at times.
  9. This Pat Boon character seems to be a total knob. After umpteen defeats in a row you’d think he’d be used to being totally pumped.
  10. He’s quite simply the best player in this league, by a mile. Love the big fella.
  11. No it wouldn’t. As it stands, the team in 2nd has to play two extra high tempo, important play off games immediately prior to playing the 11th placed team, while the 11th placed team can just sit back and watch and wait.
  12. Perhaps you should have left the broken arm at home. Just saying……..
  13. A definite booking, you’re right, but I thought the ref let a lot go yesterday and there could have been other bookings for both teams, Gibson in particular was lucky with two ‘rash’ challenges, one in each half. Overall the ref did well IMO letting the game run.
  14. What a load of shite. Nowhere near merited a draw. Lafferty played well with no rewards, he’s a better team player than he’s given credit for. Best striker in the league by a mile.
  15. But, but, just a few weeks ago Bullen was the Messiah……….., now he’s just a very naughty boy.
  16. Queens were dreadful in the first half, comfortably the worst performance I’ve witnessed this season. That said, they improved markedly in the second, without really worrying us. Nice finish for their goal. Gibson is still a wee dirty shite.
  17. So if you lose your "must win" game today, what does that mean? Em, I think that means we don’t win it.."….
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