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Hawkeye the Gnu

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Everything posted by Hawkeye the Gnu

  1. The puddles were probably Sellick fans pish from the last game and we should perhaps just be grateful there were any seats left in one piece Seriously tho', What kind of message does that give to others visiting for the first time. A wee bit of housekeeping in the build up to the game would have sorted this, Christ, we made enough from the game to pay some overtime o the staff.
  2. If it was when Walter Smith was manager you'd probably have fitted in very nicely.
  3. I'm afraid you are only now seeing what Killie fans saw for years. Decent shot stopper but utter shite at crosses which cost us dearly in his last season with us. Smashing big fella, but defo. out of his depth \t this level.
  4. I don't remember the fence ever being moved but I remember the 'fun' to be had before there was any segregation at all, other than a thin blue line of Ayrshire's finest trying to keep the peace. Defo not for the faint hearted.
  5. Good to see that the ref was on good terms with the goalie, if the pat on the back is anything to go by.
  6. This is certainly one of the best threads I have read on P&B recently. Thanks to everyone who has contributed F.
  7. I've got to agree with killienick. Josh (and McDonald )were easily our most effective players last season. Without his contribution in a very bad team we would have been down. He isn't the most skillful pkayer around (understatement),but his contribution and effort on the pitch was second to none and I'll miss him. Good luck big man.
  8. If you get Mark Connolly he would be a great signing IMO. Had a great start for us but unfortunately was not the same player after injury. I know he's keen to remain in Scotland as his wife is from Edinburgh, so you never know... Good luck to him as he always came across a nice guy and was a good captain for us.
  9. You are NOT talking to 'Killie boys'. No matter what you may think, we cant stand either you lot or your equally bigoted brothers . Michael Johnson might love you but he is not Killie!
  10. Think he'll be a fine signing for you. A young player with plenty of potential who, with the correct coaching and mentoring, should do well for you. Still think we should have tried harder to keep him, good luck to him.
  11. Just posted this on the A*r forum. HOT News. Ayr are apparently in talks with a top Spanish team to bring two of their most talented youngsters over for a year. A Brazilian teenager called Nefferwall and a Spaniard called Juan Ferkall. Next season the fans will be chanting, 'Ayr United, Juan Ferkall and Nefferwall'......
  12. I stand corrected. Still don't want AT (ex or otherwise) at RP.
  13. None of these people have exactly 'accomplished great things', far from it, and I agree, 'why take the risk'. AJ and GL were just useless a managing, full stop. AT I wouldn't want near the club as I'm happy with the present incumbent. However, I'm all for improving the state of our club and if it means hiring an 'ex alki' who knows what he is doing, then so be it.....the word 'ex' being very important. Take your point though.
  14. Just because you're an alky doesn't make you a bad man. Seriously though, I get what you're saying, hence the wee smilie. Are they not ex alkis though?
  15. I posted this on our page as I cant believe Locke has signed Johnston. This from the very same manager who hadn't a clue where'how to play him at Killie, and his first signing....Jeezuz. Absolutely no disrespect to Raith but I truly hope the wee man hasn't made a huge mistake. I hope I'm wrong because if he keeps injury free and is managed properly he could be a great signing for you.
  16. This from the very same manager who hadn't a clue where'how to play him at Killie, and his first signing....Jeezuz. Absolutely no disrespect to Raith but I truly hope the wee man hasn't made a huge mistake.
  17. Surely all these 3 year deals negotiated by MJ were littered with 'escape' clauses to enable swift removal.
  18. I agree with QLP with regards to a positive link up with Hurlford. I accept they may not have a support worth talking about but, as a positive, well run and successful local team, surely there are merits in some form of link up to benefit the community as a whole.
  19. As I understand the rules, this only applies if an opponent isn't close enough to play the ball, so could not be put off by the shout. One split seconds hesitation could be vital. Pedantic I know, especially as I'm sure the original poster didn't intend it to go this far, but just shows how much the game is governed by 'the opinion of the referee'.
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