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Posts posted by CrosshouseWav

  1. We have just signed 2 from HT and they also tried to sign at least one of our players during preseason, im not saying we wouldn’t lose players but knowing the majority of our squad I know they want success with Crosshouse not just because we play in 1st division but because they have the belief in us as a club to progress


  2. Ok, forget playing with pals... How about that the working man may want to enjoy their hobby and play for the enjoyment of the game. End of the day if you're not enjoying your football then you need to do what makes you happy. 
    Lower league teams must try to create the right ethos and environment for players. Hopefully we are one club that tries to do that.  We are honest with all the players from the start and show them respect. Hopefully that is then returned most of the time. We could have folded last season at one point. It's very difficult. Everyone needs to pull together for it to work. An achievement these days for many clubs is survival. 
    Best of luck to all clubs and their committees.

    I was going to say something similar, if we are lucky enough to gain promotion this season it will be down to hard work done by our management team over the summer getting new boys in that have improved us massively as well as keeping the majority of our squad from last season, we have a pool of around 22 quality players. And I’m confident we can keep most happy as I believe we have one of the best young managers in amateur football, ask our boys and most will tell you Ross is one of the most genuine guys and also knows his stuff.
  3. Why would that be an issue? A lot (not all) public parks are fine with countless teams training/playing on them, surely neither team would train there and once a week wouldn’t do much damage, especially if they have a decent groundsman

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